Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (84)

  1. 57. Amyay, B., Robert, S., Herman, M., Fayt, A., Raghavendra, B., Moudens, A., Thiévin, J., Rowe, B., & Georges, R. (2009). Vibration-rotation pattern in acetylene: Introduction of Coriolis coupling in the global model and analysis of emission spectra of hot acetylene around 3 µm. Poster présenté à la conférence 21st Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (31-08-2009: Napoli, Italy).
  2. 58. Amyay, B., Robert, S., Herman, M., Fayt, A., & Georges, R. (2009). Analysis of Emission spectra of hot acetylene at 3 µm. Poster présenté à la conférence 3rd Scientific day of doctoral school METAMORPHOSE (30-01-2009: University Mons Hainaut (UMH), Belgium).
  3. 59. Amyay, B., & Herman, M. (2009). Global analysis of emission spectra of 12C2H2 at high temperature. Paper session presented at F.R.S-FNRS High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy contact group (26-02-2009: ULB, Belgium).
  4. 60. Lauzin, C., Didriche, K., Macko, P., Demaison, J. F., Liévin, J., & Herman, M. (2009). The C2H2-Ar van der Waals complex. Paper session presented at Journée du groupe de contact F.N.R.S. "Spectroscopie moléculaire à haute résolution" (2009: Bruxelles).
  5. 61. Lee, Y.-P., Huang, C.-S., Didriche, K., Herman, M., & Rotger, M. (2008). Infrared spectra of C2H4 under jet-cooled and para-H2 matrix. Paper session presented at International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy 63rd Meeting (Etats-Unis).
  6. 62. Amyay, B., Robert, S., Herman, M., & Fayt, A. (2008). Global spectral simulation applied to the absorption spectrum of the 12C2H2 molecule in its ground electronic state. Poster présenté à la conférence 2nd Scientific day of doctoral school METAMORPHOSE (30-01-2008: University de Liège ULg, Belgium).
  7. 63. Didriche, K., Macko, P., & Herman, M. (2007). Description of the Fantasio Instrumental Set-up. Paper session presented at International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy 62nd Meeting (Etats-Unis).
  8. 64. Didriche, K., Macko, P., & Herman, M. (2007). The FANTASIO device: Investigation of spectral linewidths. Paper session presented at Journée du Groupe de Contact F.N.R.S. "Spectroscopie moléculaire à haute résolution (France).
  9. 65. Deroo, S., & Herman, M. (2002). Etude spectroscopique infrarouge en jet supersonique et en cellule du dimère de l'acide formique gazeux. Paper session presented at Annual meeting of the Société Royale de Chimie (September 2002: Belgium).
  10. 66. El Idrissi, M., Liévin, J., Vaeck, N., Herman, M., & Zhilinskii, B. (1999). Vibrational polyads in C2H2. Inter-polyad and intra-polyad structure. Poster présenté à la conférence Sicteenth colloquium on high resolution molecular spectroscopy (6-10 sseptembre 1999: Dijon, France).
  11. 67. Godefroid, M., Herman, M., Liévin, J., Vaeck, N., & Vander Auwera, J. (1998). Experimental and theoretical investigation of excited gas phase molecules. Paper session presented at Assemblée générale annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie (October 1-2, 1998: Namur, Belgium).
  12. 68. Kleiner, I., Godefroid, M., Herman, M., & Mc Kellar, A. (1990). The fundamental torsion band in acetaldehyde. Paper session presented at Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy (45: June 11-15, 1990: Colombus, USA).

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