Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (47)

  1. 33. Baudry, S., Klass, M., Carpentier, A., & Duchateau, J. (2003). Effect of post-activation potentiation in nonlinear summation of contractions in young and elderly adults. Progress in Motor Control IV: Motor Control and Learning over the Life Span (p. 46).
  2. 34. Pasquet, B., Carpentier, A., & Duchateau, J. (2003). Motor unit discharge characteristics during dynamic concentric or eccentric contraction in the human tibialis anterior. Progress in Motor Control IV: Motor Control and Learning over the life Span (p. 139).
  3. 35. Baudry, S., Carpentier, A., & Duchateau, J. (2002). Post-activation potentiation on nonlinear summation of muscle contraction. Archives of physiology and biochemistry. Vol. 110 (p. 15).
  4. 36. Duchateau, J. (2002). Neuromuscular adaptations to reduced activity. Neuromuscular performance in research and clinical applications European Isokinetic Society Congress(2: 15-16 March 2002: Crans Montana, Suisse)
  5. 37. Klass, M., Guissard, N., & Duchateau, J. (2002). Muscle Fatigue During Dynamic Contractions: Neural vs Muscular Alterations. XXVIIème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique (p. 18).
  6. 38. Klass, M., Guissard, N., & Duchateau, J. (2001). Contribution à l’Etude de la Fatigabilité Musculaire pendant des Contractions Dynamiques. Actes de la Société Belge de la Médecine et des Sciences du Sport (p. 7).
  7. 39. Klass, M., Guissard, N., & Duchateau, J. (2001). Effects of Dynamic Contractions on Muscle Fatigue in Human. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry (Proceedings). Vol. 109(109), 137 (p. 137) XXVI ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique(France).
  8. 40. Duchateau, J., Pasquet, B., & Carpentier, A. (2000). Neuromuscular changes during fatiguing concentric and eccentric contractions. Proceedings 5th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (p. 40).
  9. 41. Duchateau, J., Carpentier, A., & Hainaut, K. (1999). Changes in motor units activation pattern and contractile properties during intermittent fatiguing contractions in human. Proceedings of XVIIth International Congress of Biomechanics (p. 244).
  10. 42. Carpentier, A., Duchateau, J., Saint-Pierre, D., & Hainaut, K. (1998). Effects of fatigue on the contractile properties and behaviour of motor units in human. Proceedings of XIIth International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK) (pp. 158-159).
  11. 43. Carpentier, A., Duchateau, J., & Hainaut, K. (1995). Contribution of mono- and biarticular muscles to ballistic movements. Proceedings of XVth International Congress of Biomechanics (pp. 156-157).
  12. 44. Carpentier, A., Duchateau, J., & Hainaut, K. (1993). The synergy of triceps surae muscles during fast movements. Proceedings of XIVth International Congress of Biomechanics. Vol. 1 (pp. 242-243).

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