Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (70)

  1. 20. Trepo, E., Ouziel, R., Pradat, P., Momozawa, Y., Quertinmont, E., Gervy Decoster, C., Gustot, T., Degré, D., Vercruysse, V., Deltenre, P., Gulbis, B., Franchimont, D., Devière, J., Lemmers, A., & Moreno, C. (2012). Impact of vitamin D deficiency on severity, inflammation and fibrosis in alcoholic liver disease. Belgian Week of Gastroenterology Abstract session presented at (Ostende)
  2. 21. Verset, L., Trepo, E., Nagy, N., Degré, D., Gustot, T., Devière, J., Demetter, P., & Moreno, C. (2012). Histopathological parameters are associated with both severity and survival in alcoholic hepatitis. Histopathological parameters are associated with both severity and survival in alcoholic hepatitis Abstract session presented at (Ostende)
  3. 22. Ouziel, R., Trepo, E., Cremer, A., Moreno, C., Degré, D., Cotton, F., Vercruysse, V., Quertinmont, E., Devière, J., Lemmers, A., & Gustot, T. (2012). Retinoic acid deficiency contributes to the inflammatory status of alcoholic cirrhotic patients. Belgian Week of Gastroenterology Abstract session presented at (Ostende)
  4. 23. Gustot, T., Velissaris, D., Njimi, H., Taccone, F., Moreno, C., & Vincent, J. L. (2012). Enhanced sepsis-associated mortality of patients with cirrhosis in ICU: Results from the international EPIC II study. Belgian Week of Gastroenterology Abstract session presented at (Ostende)
  5. 24. Ouziel, R., Trepo, E., Cremer, A., Moreno, C., Degré, D., Cotton, F., Vercruysse, V., Quertinmont, E., Devière, J., Lemmers, A., & Gustot, T. (2012). All-trans retinoic acid deficiency contributes to the excessive proinflammatory response observed in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Paper session presented at EASL Immune mediated liver injury monothematic conference (Birmingham, U.K.).
  6. 25. Lemaire, A., Trepo, E., Ouziel, R., Gustot, T., Moreno, C., Degré, D., Minsart, C., Quertinmont, E., Vercruysse, V., De Wilde, V., Le Moine, O., Devière, J., Abramowicz, M., Le Moine, A., & Lemmers, A. (2012). (GT)n repeat genetic variant in the promoter of heme oxygenase-1 is not associated to alcoholic liver disease severity. Poster présenté à la conférence United European Gastroenterology Week (2012: Amsterdam).
  7. 26. Verset, L., Nagy, N., Moreno, C., Adler, M., Matos Pinto De Almeida, C., & Demetter, P. (2012). Fluctuating cholestasis in a 45-years-old man with polycystic kidney disease. Abstract book (BWG) Abstract session presented at Belgian week of gastroenterology(2012: Ostende)
  8. 27. Trepo, E., Hites, M., Beumier, M., Surin, R., Wolff, F., Taccone, F., De Backer, D., Moreno, C., Gustot, T., Vincent, J. L., Cotton, F., & Jacobs, F. (2012). Beta-lactam levels are inadequate in most critically ill cirrhotic patients. Poster présenté à la conférence The American association of the study of liver conference (November 2012: Boston, United States).
  9. 28. Trepo, E., Degré, D., Lemmers, A., Gustot, T., Gerkens, A., Evrard, S., Ouziel, R., Deltenre, P., Adler, M., Devière, J., & Moreno, C. (2011). Insulin resistance confers a higher risk of portal hypertension, cirrhosis and early mortality to alcoholic liver disease patients. Paper session presented at EASL The European Association of the study of liver conference (avril 2011: Berlin).
  10. 29. Trepo, E., Pradat, P., Potthoff, A., Gustot, T., Lemmers, A., Quertinmont, E., Berthillon, P., Devière, J., Manns, M., Trepo, C., Wedemeyer, H., Franchimont, D., & Moreno, C. (2011). Impact of PNPLA3 (rs738409 C>G) polymorphism on fibrosis progression and steatosis in chronic hepatitis. Paper session presented at EASL (2011: Berlin).
  11. 30. Degré, D., Lemmers, A., Gustot, T., Trepo, E., Ouziel, R., Demetter, P., Verset, L., Quertinmont, E., Vercruysse, V., Le Moine, O., Devière, J., & Moreno, C. (2011). Highly expressed CCL2 in severe form of alcoholic hepatitis: a potential enhancer of the IL-17 – neutrophil recruitment pathway. Paper session presented at Belgian Week of Gastroenterology (2011).
  12. 31. Trepo, E., Gustot, T., Degré, D., Lemmers, A., Verset, L., Demetter, P., Ouziel, R., Quertinmont, E., Vercruysse, V., Amininejad, L., Le Moine, O., Devière, J., Franchimont, D., & Moreno, C. (2011). Common polymorphism in the patatin-like phospholipase 3 region confers higher risk of cirrhosis and liver damage in alcoholic liver disease. Paper session presented at Belgian Week of Gastroenterology (2011).

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