Peer-reviewed journal articles (25)

  1. 12. Martinez Martinez, C. C., Pardavila, I., Tricas-Sauras, S., Moreno, C., Duaso, M., & Barroso, T. (2021). Smoking cessation education: a traditionally forgotten subject in nursing curricula. Referencia, 5(6).
  2. 13. Claeys, A., Berdai-Chaouni, S., Tricas-Sauras, S., & De Donder, L. (2020). Culturally Sensitive Care: Definitions, Perceptions, and Practices of Health Care Professionals. Journal of transcultural nursing. doi:10.1177/1043659620970625
  3. 14. Pumar-Méndez, M. M., Lozano-Ochoa, C., Mujika, A., Bermejo-Martins, E., Carrasco, J. M., Tricas-Sauras, S., & Lopez-Dicastillo, O. (2020). A reliable and valid parent self-report tool to assess children's global health needs. Journal of pediatric nursing. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2020.07.008
  4. 15. Vermeulen, J., Buyl, R., D'haenens, F., Demedts, D., Tricas-Sauras, S., Haddani, I., & Fobelets, M. (2020). The Development of the DDads Questionnaire: Awareness, Knowledge and Attitudes of the General Population Towards Paternal Depression. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11, 561954. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.561954
  5. 16. Tricas-Sauras, S., Kaczmarek, A., & Skar, M. (2019). 30 years of European alcohol policy. Journal of public mental health, 18(4).
  6. 17. Kaczmarek, A., Skar, M., & Tricas-Sauras, S. (2017). Alcohol labelling in Europe – overview of advocacy and policy developments. European journal of public health, 27(suppl_3). doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckx187.260
  7. 18. Karam, M., Tricas-Sauras, S., Darras, E., & Macq, J. (2017). Interprofessional Collaboration between General Physicians and Emergency Department Teams in Belgium: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Integrated Care, 17(4), 9. doi:10.5334/ijic.2520
  8. 19. Chaves, C., Duarte, J., Nelas, P., Coutinho, E., Martins, M., Vale, P., Teixeira, M., Tricas-Sauras, S., & Kydd, A. (2014). Chronic Disease and Mental Health Perception. International review of social sciences and humanities, 3(1),
  9. 20. Kydd, A., Tschudi-Madsen, C., Chaves, C., & Tricas-Sauras, S. (2014). A Qualitative Evaluation Study of Erasmus Intensive Programs (IP) - A Contribution to Transcultural Nursing? JET. Journal of education for teaching, 3(1), 609–616.
  10. 21. Díez Martínez de Morentin, A., Soutullo Esperon, C., Tricas-Sauras, S., Beunza-Nuin, M., Pereda-Sotos, T., & Machiñen- Gracia, K. (2013). Eficacia de un programa de psicoeducación aplicado por enfermeras y dirigido a padres de niños con Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad. Revista de psiquiatría infanto-juvenil, 3(1), 55-63.
  11. 22. Errasti-Ibarrondo, B., & Tricas-Sauras, S. (2012). La visita flexible en las unidades de cuidados intensivos: beneficios para los familiares del paciente crítico. Enfermería intensiva, 23(4), 179-188. doi:10.1016/j.enfi.2012.08.001
  12. 23. Tricas-Sauras, S. (2012). Treading the tightrope between motherhood and an eating disorder: Commentary on. International journal of nursing studies, 49(1), 122-123. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2011.06.002

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