Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (23)

  1. 9. Briere, C. (2020). Externalising the policy against trafficking in human beings: When supranationality meets its limits. In Supranational Governance at Stake: The EU's External Competences caught between Complexity and Fragmentation (pp. 91-102). Taylor and Francis Inc.
  2. 10. Briere, C. (2020). Archival research. In J.-F. Morin, C. Olsson, & O. Atikcan (Eds.), Research Methods in Social Sciences, An A – Z of key concepts. Oxford University Press.
  3. 11. Briere, C. (2020). Do you have a hit ? Exchange of information between EU criminal Justice bodies and agencies. In A. Turmo & C. Billet (Eds.), Coopération opérationnelle en droit pénal de l'Union européenne (1 ed., p. 231). Bruylant.
  4. 12. Briere, C. (2020). The Future of judicial cooperation in criminal matters between the EU and the UK. In J. Santos Vara, R. A. Wessel, & P. R. Polak (Eds.), The Routledge handbook on the International Dimension of Brexit. Routledge.
  5. 13. Briere, C. (2020). Transnational Responses to Human Trafficking in the European Union and the Council of Europe Member States. In R. Pereira, A. Engel, & S. Miettinen (Eds.), The Governance of Criminal Justice in the European Union: Transnationalism, Localism and Public Participation in an Evolving Constitutional Order. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  6. 14. Briere, C. (2020). Externalising the policy against trafficking in human beings: when supranationalism meets its limits. In A. Weyembergh & M. Telo (Eds.), The Supranational at Stake? The EU’s External Competences caught between Complexity and Fragmentation. Routledge.
  7. 15. Briere, C. (2019). Cooperation of Europol and Eurojust with external partners in the fight against crime: a legal appraisal. In M. Chamon, E. Vos, & H. Hofmann (Eds.), The External Dimension of EU Agencies and Bodies (1 ed., p. 234). Edward Elgar.
  8. 16. Briere, C. (2019). Protecting the EU's financial interests together: cooperation between EU actors. In I. Sammut & J. Agranovska (Eds.), Implementing and Enforcing EU Criminal Law: Theory and practice (1 ed., p. 340). Eleven International Publishing.
  9. 17. Weyembergh, A., Briere, C., & Armada Falco, I. (2018). The cooperation between police and justice at EU level : the case of joint investigation teams. In A. Weyembergh & C. Briere (Eds.), The Needed Balances of EU Criminal Law: Past, Present and Future (pp. 355-382). Hart Publishing.
  10. 18. Briere, C. (2018). Defining the offence of migrant smuggling: when the migration crisis revives old debates. In A. Weatherburn, E. Kuzelewska, & D. Kloza (Eds.), The Migration Crisis as a Challenge for Democracy (1 ed., p. 276). Intersentia.(European Integration and Democracy Series).
  11. 19. Weyembergh, A., & Briere, C. (2017). Relations between the EPPO and Eurojust-still a privileged partnership? In Shifting Perspectives on the European Public Prosecutor's Office (pp. 171-186). T.M.C. Asser Press. doi:10.1007/978-94-6265-216-3_11
  12. 20. Weyembergh, A., & Briere, C. (2017). EU criminal law: An expanding field for research, with some unchartered territories. In The Routledge Handbook of Justice and Home Affairs Research (pp. 192-202). Taylor and Francis.

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