Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (34)

  1. 11. Bernard, P., & Wollast, R. (2019). Why is sexualization dehumanizing?: The effects of posture suggestiveness and revealing clothing on dehumanization. SAGE Open, 9(1). doi:10.1177/2158244019828230
  2. 12. Bernard, P., Hanoteau, F., Gervais, S., Servais, L., Bertolone, I., Deltenre, P., & Colin, C. (2019). Revealing clothing does not make the object: ERP evidences that cognitive objectification is driven by posture suggestiveness, not by revealing clothing. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 45, 16–36. doi:10.1177/0146167218775690
  3. 13. Bernard, P., Gervais, S., & Klein, O. (2018). Objectifying objectification: When and why people are cognitively reduced to their parts akin to objects. European review of social psychology, 29, 82–121. doi:10.1080/10463283.2018.1471949
  4. 14. Wollast, R., Puvia, E., Bernard, P., Tevichapong, P., & Klein, O. (2018). How sexual objectification generates dehumanization in Western and Eastern Cultures: a comparison between Belgium and Thailand. Swiss journal of psychology,(77), 69–82. doi:10.1024/1421-0185/a000209
  5. 15. Bernard, P., Content, J., Deltenre, P., & Colin, C. (2018). When the body becomes no more than the sum of its parts: The neural correlates of scrambled vs. intact sexualized bodies. NeuroReport, 29, 48-53.
  6. 16. Bernard, P., Legrand, S., & Klein, O. (2018). From bodies to blame: Exposure to sexually objectifying media increases tolerance toward sexual harassment. Psychology of popular media culture., 7, 99–112. doi:10.1037/ppm0000114
  7. 17. Bernard, P., Rizzo, T., Hoonhorst, I., Deliens, G., Gervais, S., Eberlen, J., Bayard, C., Deltenre, P., Colin, C., & Klein, O. (2018). The neural correlates of cognitive objectification: an ERP study on the body-inversion effect associated with sexualized bodies. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9, 550–559.
  8. 18. Bernard, P., Gervais, S., Holland, A., & Dodd, M. (2018). When do people "check out" male bodies?: Appearance-focus increases the objectifying gaze toward men. Psychology of men & masculinity, 19(3), 484–489. doi:10.1037/men0000122
  9. 19. Bernard, P., Gervais, S., Allen, J., Delmée, A., & Klein, O. (2015). From sex-objects to human beings: Masked sexual body parts and humanization as moderators to women's objectification. Psychology of women quarterly, 39, 432-446. doi:10.1177/0361684315580125
  10. 20. Bernard, P., Gervais, S., Allen, J., Campomizzi, S., & Klein, O. (2015). Body parts reduction and self-objectification in the objectification of sexualized bodies. Revue internationale de psychologie sociale, 28(1), 39-61.
  11. 21. Bernard, P., Loughnan, S., Audrey, G., Marchal, C., & Klein, O. (2015). The exonerating effect of sexual objectification: Sexual objectification decreases rapist blame in a stranger rape context. Sex roles, 72, 499-508. doi:10.1007/s11199-015-0482-0
  12. 22. Gervais, S., Bernard, P., & Riemer, A. R. (2015). Who treats people as sex objects?: Cultural orientation, social comparison and sexual objectification perpetration. Revue internationale de psychologie sociale, 28(1), 153-181.

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