Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (16)

  1. 8. Swennen, B. (1992). Les centres d’aide et d’information sexuelle, conjugale et familiale. In R. Lagasse (Ed.), Offre et Besoins de la santé en Communauté française.
  2. 9. Swennen, B., Vanderpas, J., Vanden Abbeele, P., Gillies, J., & Thilly, C. H. (1989). Juvenile hypothyroidism: Nutritional marker of goiter genicity. In Research in Congenital hypothyroidism (p. 331). Plenum Press.(NATO ASI Serie A : Life Science 161).
  3. 10. Thilly, C., Bourdoux, P., Contempre, B., & Swennen, B. (1988). Les stratégies de lutte contre le goitre endémique et les troubles dus à la carence iodée (TDCI). In L'enfant en milieu tropical (pp. 1-70).
  4. 11. Thilly, C., Bourdoux, P., Contempre, B., & Swennen, B. (1988). Strategies for combating endemic goitre and iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). In Children in the Tropics (pp. 1-70).
  5. 12. Thilly, C. H., Swennen, B., & Lagasse, R. (1988). Iodine deficiency and goitre. In A. Silman (Ed.), Elimination or Reduction of Diseases. Opportunities for Health Service Action in Europe. (pp. 116-125). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  6. 13. Thilly, C. H., Swennen, B., Contempre, B., Bourdoux, P., & Delong, R. (1988). Neonatal and juvenile hypothyroidism in relation to brain development. In R. Delong & J. Robbins (Eds.), The Role of Iodine in Neurodevelopment. Plenum Press.
  7. 14. Thilly, C. H., Bourdoux, P., Swennen, B., Ngo, B., Due, D., & Ermans, A. M. (1987). Assessment and planning for IDD control programs. In B. S. Hetzel, J. Dunn, & J. B. Stanbury (Eds.), The prevention and control of iodine deficiency disorders (pp. 181-194). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  8. 15. Thilly, C. H., Bourdoux, P., Vanderpas, J.-B., Swennen, B., Deckx, H., Luvuvila, G., & Delange, F. (1986). Neonatal and juvenile hypothyroidism in Central Africa. In G. Luvuvila, G. A. Medeiros-Neto, R. Maciel, & A. Halpern (Eds.), Iodine Deficiency Disorders and Congenital Hypothyroidism (pp. 26-33). Sao Paulo: Aché.
  9. 16. Thilly, C. H., Bourdoux, P., Swennen, B., Lagasse, R., Luvivila, K., Deckx, H., & Ermans, A. M. (1986). Overall worldwide strategy of goiter control. In J. Dunn, E. Pretell, C. Daza, & F. Viteri (Eds.), Towards the eradication of endemic goiter, cretinism, and iodine deficiency (pp. 130-154). Washington: PAHO/WHO.
  10.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (50)

  11. 1. Cornelissen, L., Grammens, T., Leenen, S., Schirvel, C., Hutse, V., Demeester, R., Swennen, B., Asikainen, T., & Wyndham-Thomas, C. (2020). High number of hospitalisations and non-classical presentations: Lessons learned from a measles outbreak in 2017, Belgium. Epidemiology and infection,, e35 1DUIMMY. doi:10.1017/S0950268820000278
  12. 2. Robert, E., Michaud-Létourneau, I., Dramaix Wilmet, M., Swennen, B., & Devlieger, R. (2019). A comparison of exclusive breastfeeding in Belgian maternity facilities with and without baby-friendly Hospital status. Maternal and child nutrition,, 12845 9. doi:10.1111/mcn.12845
  13. 3. Robert, E., Swennen, B., Dramaix Wilmet, M., & Coppieters, Y. (2017). Place des difficultés rencontrées lors de la mise au sein dans l’initiation et la durée d’allaitement maternel en Belgique francophone, 2015: The role of the difficulties for initiation and duration of breastfeeding in the French-speaking community of Belgium, 2015. Journal de pédiatrie et de puériculture, 30(2), 47-55. doi:10.1016/j.jpp.2016.10.003

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