Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (34)

  1. 30. Bergmann, P., Nguyen Huu, C., & Du Bois, R. (1981). A model of the glomerular wall electric permselectivity. Advances in basic and clinical nephrology: proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Nephrology, Athens, June 7-12, 1981. Vol. 001 (p. 71).
  2. 31. Bergmann, P., Naets, J.-P., & Martin, P. (1980). A study of bone calcium metabolism and 99m Tc pyrophosphate scintigraphy in benign and malignant monoclonal gammopathy. In Bone and tumors: Symposium CEMO III (pp. 119-124) Geneve: Ed. Médecine et Hygiene.
  3. 32. Bergmann, P., Naets, J.-P., Martin, P., & Schoutens, A. (1980). A Study of Regional Bone Calcium Metabolism and 99mTc Pyrophosphate Skeletal Scintigraphy in Benign and Malignant Monoclonal Gammopathy. In A. Donath & B. Courvoisier (Eds.), Bone and Tumors: 3rd Symposium CEMO, Basle, November 4-7, 1979 (pp. 119-124) Genève: Médecine et Hygiène.
  4. 33. Bergmann, P., Schoutens, A., & Heilporn, E. (1976). Apports d'une mesure régionale de l'accrétion osseuse du calcium dans l'étude du renouvellement squelettique chez le paraplégique. In B. Courvoisier (Ed.), Exploration morphologique et fonctionnelle du squelette: Symposium CEMO (pp. 78-86). (Symposium Cemo, 1). Genève: Médecine et Hygiène.
  5. 34. Bergmann, P., Schoutens, A., Paternot, J., & Heilporn, E. (1975). Mesure de l'accrétion régionale du calcium chez des patients pagétiques traités et chez des paraplégiques. 17ème Colloque de médecine nucléaire de langue française (pp. 51-53) (2-4 juin 1975: Paris).
  6.   Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (67)

  7. 1. Kinnard, V., Baleanu, F., Iconaru, L., Moreau, M., Paesmans, M., Body, J.-J., & Bergmann, P. (2020). Postfracture Risk Assessment: Target the Centrally Sited Fractures First! A Substudy of NoFRACT. Journal of bone and mineral research. doi:10.1002/jbmr.3960
  8. 2. Bergmann, P. (2019). Change in Bone Density and Reduction in Fracture Risk: A Meta-Regression of Published Trials. Journal of bone and mineral research. doi:10.1002/jbmr.3835
  9. 3. Wolff, F., Gervy, C., Cavalier, E., Bergmann, P., Cotton, F., Heureux, M., Corvilain, B., & Badot, V. (2016). When obtaining a blood sample from the right arm was not the right thing to do: A case of elevated parathyroid hormone levels 27 years after thyroidectomy. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 54(12), e369-e371. doi:10.1515/cclm-2016-0345
  10. 4. Wittersheim, E., Mesquita, M., Demulder, A., Guns, M., Dratwa, M., & Bergmann, P. (2004). OPG, RANK-L and markers of bone metabolism in patients on haemodialysis and ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Calcified Tissue International, 74 , 58.
  11. 5. De Wolf, N., Karmali, R., Deprez, C., Zissis, G., Scheen, R., & Bergmann, P. (2004). Real time PCR amplification of PTHrP and PTH receptor mRNA's in tumors. Calcified Tissue International, 74 , 108.
  12. 6. Mesquita, M., Wittersheim, E., Dratwa, M., & Bergmann, P. (2004). OPG, RANK-L, and markers of bone metabolism in patients on peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 25(Suppl 2). doi:10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2006.01.020
  13. 7. Wittersheim, E., Mesquita, M., Demulder, A., Guns, M., Louis, O., Dratwa, M., & Bergmann, P. (2004). OPG, RANK-L, bone metabolism and BMD in patients on haemodialysis and ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 19(Supplément S1), SU531 , 331. doi:10.1002/jbmr.5650191305

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