Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (10)

  1. 3. Hougardy, J.-M., Place, S., Leloux, G., Temmerman, S., Debrie, A.-S., Locht, C., & Mascart, F. (2006). CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatory T-cells and the development of active tuberculosis in humans. In Clinical Immunology: Vol. 119 (pp. 1-230) Elsevier.
  2. 4. Stubbe, M., Swinnen, R., Crusiaux, A., Mascart, F., & Lheureux, P. (2005). Seroprotection against tetanus in patients of an an emergency department in Belgium and evaluation of a bedside immunotest (Tetanos Quick Stick R).: A prospective observational study. In Acta Clinical Belgica: Abstracts of the Young Investigators Award of the Belgian Society of Internal Medicine (BSIM): Vol. 60 (5 ed., pp. 303-320) Maney Online.
  3. 5. Stubbe, M., Swinnen, R., Crusiaux, A., Mascart, F., & Lheureux, P. (2005). Seroprotection against tetanus in patients présenting to an emergency department in Belgium and evaluation of a bedside immunotest (Tetanos Quick Stick R): A prospective observational study. In European Journal of Emergency Medicine: Abstracts of the 3rd Mediterranean Congress of Emergency Medicine: Vol. 13 (1 ed., p. 49) LWW.
  4. 6. Mascart, F. (1998). Rôle de la réponse immunitaire lymphocytaire. Les actes du 2eme congrès de pneumologie: Mécanismes de défense du tractus respiratoire: rôle dans les infections. (pp. 13-16).
  5. 7. Mascart, F., Duchateau, J., Van Den Broeck, J., & Vaerman, J.-P. (1991). IgA antibodies to food proteins in serum from children with acute intestinal infections. In Frontiers of Mucosal Immunology: Vol. 1 (pp. 271-272) M. Tsuchiya et al., Elsevier Scence Publishers BV.
  6. 8. Mascart, F., Levy, J., Blaser, M., Oosterom, J., Duchateau, J., Hanson, L. Å., & Vaeremans, E. (1991). Serum polymeric IgA antibodies are markers of acute intestinal bacterial infections. In Frontiers of Mucosal Immunology: Vol. 1 (pp. 269-270) M. Tsuchiya et al., Elsevier Scence Publishers BV.
  7. 9. Mascart, F., Donnen, P., Bahwere, P., Brasseur, D., Van den broeck, J., Vaerman, J.-P., Hennart, P., & Duchateau, J. (1990). Serum and breast milk antibodies to food antigens in Africans mothers and relation to their diet. Immunology of Milk and the Neonate (Miami)
  8. 10. Mascart, F. (1984). Detection of IgG, IgM and IgA anti-Campylobacter antibodies by a sensitive radioimmunoassay, and determination of specific IgA size and subclass distribution. In Campylobacter I (pp. 71-72) Pearson, Shirrow, Rowe, Davies Jones.
  9.   Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (4)

  10. 1. Brognez, M., Schandené, A., Ocmant, A., Parent, D., Mascart, F., & Evrard, L. (2012). Development of a new blood test based on the helper lymphocytes Th-17 response for the diagnosis of allergies to dental metals: Preliminary results.
  11. 2. Van Rossum, A. M. C., De Groot, R., Hainaut, M., Peltier, C., Levy, J., Ducarme, M., Schandené, L., Mascart, F., Marissens, D., & Zissis, G. (2003). Age-related immune reconstitution during highly active antiretroviral therapy in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected children [2] (multiple letters). The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 22(10 SUPPL.), 934-935. doi:10.1097/01.inf.0000091833.25777.6f
  12. 3. Hainaut, M., Ducarme, M., Schandené, L., Peltier, C., Marissens, D., Zissis, G., Mascart, F., & Levy, J. (2003). Age-related immune reconstitution during highly active antiretroviral therapy in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected children: IN REPLY. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 22(10), 935. doi:10.1097/01.inf.0000091833.25777.6f
  13. 4. Taguchi, H., Kobayashi, M., Miyoshi, I., Levy, J., Mascart, F., Song, M., & Dobec, M. (1991). Immunosuppression by HTLV-I infection. Lancet, 337(8736), 308-309. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(91)90929-J

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