Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (80)

  1. 53. Meulders, D., & O'Dorchai, S. P. (2003). The costs of non-gender equality: National report for Belgium. (Expert group on Gender, Social Inclusion and Employment (EGGSIE)).
  2. 54. Meulders, D., & O'Dorchai, S. P. (2003). Assessment of the Belgian Action Plan on Social Inclusion 2003-2005 from a gender perspective. (Expert Group on Gender and Employment (EGGE)).
  3. 55. Meulders, D., & O'Dorchai, S. P. (2003). Assessment of the Belgian Action Plan for Employment from a gender perspective. (Expert Group on Gender and Employment (EGGE)).
  4. 56. Meulders, D., & Sissoko Ndeye, S. (2002). Belgium, the gender wage gap: country report.
  5. 57. De Henau, J., & Meulders, D. (2002). La représentation des femmes dans la recherche au sein des institutions universitaires de la Communauté française de Belgique.
  6. 58. De Henau, J., Meulders, D., & O'Dorchai, S. P. (2002). Supplementary information regarding policies to promote gender equality and employment: Belgium.
  7. 59. Meulders, D., & O'Dorchai, S. P. (2002). Welfare State Comparisons and Motherhood. In D. Meulders (Ed.), The Rationale of Motherhood Choices : Influence of Employment Conditions and of Public Policies: State of the Art report 46-84.
  8. 60. Meulders, D., O'Dorchai, S. P., & Périvier, H. (2002). Women’s Employment and Public Policies. In The Rationale of Motherhood Choices : Influence of Employment Conditions and of Public Policies 85-124.
  9. 61. Feltesse, P., Moro, E., Rusinek, M., Soudan, C., Fusulier, B., Meulders, D., & Plasman, R. (2001). Evaluation des actions en faveur des demandeurs d'emploi soutenues par le Fonds Social Européen en Wallonie (y compris le Hainaut) et dans la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (pour ce qui concerne les compétence de la Commission communautaire française) dans le cadre du DOCUP Objectif 1 (sous-axes 3.2 et 3.3), du Programme Opérationnel Objectif 3 et de l'Initiative Communautaire Emploi (programmation 1994-1999): rapport final.
  10. 62. Meulders, D., Marage, F., Lumen, J., & Jepsen, M. (2000). Current state of gender impact assessment in Belgium.
  11. 63. Jepsen, M., & Meulders, D. (2000). Evaluation of the Belgian action plan for employment.
  12. 64. Jepsen, M., Meulders, D., Plasman, O., & Vanhuynegem, P. (1997). Individualisation of the social and fiscal rights and the equal opportunities between women and men.

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