Papers published in national and international conferences or symposium proceedings (13)

  1. 11. Demolin, D., George, M., Lecuit, V., Metens, T., & Soquet, A. (1996). Détermination, par IRM, de l'ouverture au velum des voyelles nasales du Français. Proc of the XXI Journ. d'Etudes sur la Parole Soc.Française d'Acoustique(1996: Avignon)
  2. 12. Demolin, D., Metens, T., & Soquet, A. (1996). Three dimensional measurement of the vocal tract by MRI. Proc. of the 4th Int. Cong. of Spoken Language. Vol. 1 (pp. 272-5) (1996: Philadelphia).
  3. 13. Soquet, A., Lecuit, V., Metens, T., & Demolin, D. (1996). From sagital cut to area function: an MRI investigation. Proc. of the 4th Int. Cong. of Spoken Language (pp. 1205-1208) (1996: Philadelphia).
  4.   Research reports, book reviews, letters to the editor, working papers (1)

  5. 1. Azizieh, C., Denolin, V., & Metens, T. (2005). New insights into the mechanisms of signal formation in RF-spoiled gradient echo sequences. (Working papers CEB No 05-006.RS).
  6.   Active participation in international conferences and symposiums (107)

  7. 1. Albajara Saenz, A., Villemonteix, T., Slama, H., Mary, A., Baijot, S., Balériaux, D., Metens, T., Kavec, M., Peigneux, P., & Massat, I. (2018). Anomalies de la substance blanche et mesures neuropsychologiques dans le TDAH. Poster session presented at 16e Congrès de l’Encéphale (Paris).
  8. 2. Albajara Saenz, A., Slama, H., Villemonteix, T., Mary, A., Baijot, S., Balériaux, D., Metens, T., Kavec, M., Massat, I., & Peigneux, P. (2016). La relation entre l’activité cérébrale sous-tendant l’inhibition et les performances comportementales dans le TDAH. Poster session presented at 4e colloque international de langue française sur le TDA/H (Bruxelles).
  9. 3. Villemonteix, T., De Brito, S., Slama, H., Kavec, M., Balériaux, D., Metens, T., Baijot, S., Mary, A., Ramoz, N., Septier, M., Gorwood, P., Peigneux, P., & Massat, I. (2014). Structural brain correlates of COMT Val158Met polymorphism in childhood ADHD: a voxel-based morphometry study. Poster session presented at 3ème Congrès International de Langue Française sur le TDA-H (Juillet 2014: Bordeaux).
  10. 4. Villemonteix, T., De Brito, S., Slama, H., Baijot, S., Mary, A., Kavec, M., Balériaux, D., Metens, T., Ramoz, N., Septier, M., Gorwood, P., Peigneux, P., & Massat, I. (2014). Structural Correlates of a Genetic Risk Factor for Antisocial Behavior in Childhood Attention-deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder: A Voxel-based Morphometry Study. Poster session presented at 69th Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry (Mai 2014: New York).
  11. 5. Villemonteix, T., De Brito, S., Slama, H., Kavec, M., Balériaux, D., Metens, T., Mendlewicz, J., Peigneux, P., & Massat, I. (2013). Global and regional grey matter volumes in treatment-naïve vs. chronically treated children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a voxel-based morphometry study. Paper session presented at 4rth International Congress on ADHD (Juin 2013: Milan).
  12. 6. Slama, H., Massat, I., Mary, A., Kavec, M., Linotte, S., Balériaux, D., Metens, T., & Peigneux, P. (2013). Working memory-related cerebral activity differences between good and bad performers in drug-naive children with ADHD. Poster session presented at 4rth International Congress on ADHD (Juin 2013: Milan).
  13. 7. Septier, M., Villemonteix, T., Slama, H., Mary, A., Balériaux, D., Metens, T., Peigneux, P., & Massat, I. (2013). Modulation by methylphenidate of neurofunctional networks involved in working memory in children with ADHD. Poster session presented at 4rth International Congress on ADHD (Juin 2013: Milan).
  14. 8. Villemonteix, T., De Brito, S., Slama, H., Kavec, M., Balériaux, D., Metens, T., Mendlewicz, J., Peigneux, P., & Massat, I. (2013). Effet du méthylphenidate sur les structures cérébrales des enfants atteints de trouble de l’attention avec hyperactivité : une étude de morphométrie voxel à voxel. Paper session presented at 11éme Congrès de l'Encéphale (23-25 Janvier 2013: Paris).

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