Peer-reviewed journal articles (257)

  1. 155. Lefranc, F., Golzarian, J., Chevalier, C., De Witte, O., Pochet, R., Heizman, C., Decaestecker, C., Brotchi, J., Salmon, I., & Kiss, R. (2002). Expression of members of the calcium-binding S-100 protein family in a rat model of cerebral basilar artery vasospasm. Journal of neurosurgery, 97(2), 408-415. doi:10.3171/jns.2002.97.2.0408
  2. 156. Pelc, K., Vincent, S., Ruchoux, M.-M., Kiss, R., Pochet, R., Sariban, E., Decaestecker, C., & Heizmann, C. W. (2002). Calbindin-D28k: a marker of recurrence for medulloblastomas. Cancer, 95(2), 410-419. doi:10.1002/cncr.10666
  3. 157. Joseph, B., Darro, F., Béhard, A., Lesur, B., Collignon, F., Decaestecker, C., Frydman, A., Guillaumet, G., & Kiss, R. (2002). 3-Aryl-2-quinolone derivatives: synthesis and characterization of in vitro and in vivo antitumor effects with emphasis on a new therapeutical target connected with cell migration. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 45(12), 2543-2555. doi:10.1021/jm010978m
  4. 158. Latinne, P., Debeir, O., & Decaestecker, C. (2002). Combining Different Methods and Numbers of Weak Decision Trees. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 5(2), 201-209. doi:10.1007/s100440200018
  5. 159. Hassid, S., Hashemi Afrapoli, A., Decaestecker, C., & Choufani, G. (2002). UPPP for snoring: long-term results and patient satisfaction. Acta oto-rhino-laryngologica Belgica, 56(2), 157-162.
  6. 160. Nemec, E., Van De Putte, S., Van Pachterbeke, C., Vokaer, R., Budel, V. M., Deprez, C., Kiss, R., & Decaestecker, C. (2002). Ploidy and chromatin pattern analysis as an aid for cervical smear diagnosis. Histology and histopathology, 17(2), 403-409.
  7. 161. Delbrouck, C., Doyen, I., Belot, N., Decaestecker, C., Ghanooni, R., De Lavareille, A., Kaltner, H., Choufani, G., Danguy, A., Vandenhoven, G., Gabius, H.-J., Hassid, S., & Kiss, R. (2002). Galectin-1 is overexpressed in nasal polyps under budesonide and inhibits eosinophil migration. Laboratory investigation, 82(2), 147-158.
  8. 162. Saerens, M., Latinne, P., & Decaestecker, C. (2002). Adjusting the outputs of a classifier to new a priori probabilities: a simple procedure. Neural computation, 14(1), 21-41. doi:10.1162/089976602753284446
  9. 163. Saerens, M., Latinne, P., & Decaestecker, C. (2002). Any reasonable cost function can be used for a posteriori probability approximation. IEEE transactions on neural networks, 13(5), 1204-1210. doi:10.1109/TNN.2002.1031952
  10. 164. Nagy, N., Hoyaux, D., Gielen, I., Schäfer, B. W., Pochet, R., Heizmann, C. W., Kiss, R., Salmon, I., & Decaestecker, C. (2002). The Ca2+-binding S100A2 protein is differentially expressed in epithelial tissue of glandular or squamous origin. Histology and histopathology, 17(1), 123-130.
  11. 165. Lefranc, F., Golzarian, J., Chevalier, C., De Witte, O., Pochet, R., Heizmann, C. W., Decaestecker, C., Brotchi, J., Salmon, I., & Kiss, R. (2002). characterization of the level of expression of S100B, S100A1, S100A2, S100A4 and S100A6 calcium-binding proteins in a rat model of cerebral basilar artery vasospasm. Journal of neurosurgery, 97, 408-415.
  12. 166. Belot, N., Rorive, S., Doyen, I., Lefranc, F., Bruyneel, E., Dedecker, R., Micik, S., Brotchi, J., Decaestecker, C., Salmon, I., Kiss, R., & Camby, I. (2001). Molecular characterization of cell substratum attachments in human glial tumors relates to prognostic features. GLIA, 36(3), 375-390. doi:10.1002/glia.1124

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