Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (4)

  1. 1. Reuse, S. M., Pirson, I., Pohl, V., Meanhaut, C., Roger, P. P., & Dumont, J. E. (1990). The cyclic AMP cascade as a trigger or stimulant of epithelial cell proliferation: the example of the thyroid. Growth Factors in Health and didease: Basicand Clinical Aspects. Vol. 925 (pp. 199-214) Nordisk insulin symposuim(4: 18-20 June 1990: Copenhagen).
  2. 2. Christophe, D., Gerard, C., Hansen, C., Hobertus, C., Juvenal, G., Libert, F., Roger, P. P., Dumont, J. E., & Vassart, G. (1987). Control of thyroglobulin gene expression. In J. E. Dumont, J. Nunez, & E. Carafoli (Eds.), Hormones and cell regulation: hormones et re?gulation cellulaire : proceedings (pp. 205-213). (Colloques INSERM, 153). Paris: INSERM.
  3. 3. Vassart, G., Christophe, D., Hansen, C., Juvenal, G., Gerard, C., & Roger, P. P. (1987). Control of thyroglobulin gene transcription by TSH and cAMP. In D. V. Cohn, T. J. Martin, & P. J. Meunier (Eds.), Calcium regulation and bone metabolism: basic clinical aspects : proceedings. (International congress series, 735). Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica.
  4. 4. Vassart, G., Bacolla, A., Brocas, H., Christophe, D., De Martynoff, G., Gerard, C., Hansen, C., Juvenal, G., Mercken, L., Parma, J., Roger, P. P., & Van Heuverswyn, B. (1985). The thyroglobulin gene: structure and control of expression. In C. Jaffiol & G. Milhaud (Eds.), Thyroid cancer: proceedings (pp. 47-51). (International congress series, 684). Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica.
  5.   Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (48)

  6. 1. Paternot, S., Raspé, E., Meiller, C., Tarabichi, M., Assié, J.-B., Libert, F., Remmelink, M., Bisteau, X., Pauwels, P., Blum, Y., Le Stang, N., Tabone-Eglinger, S., Galateau-Sallé, F., Blanquart, C., van Meerbeeck, J. P., Berghmans, T., Jean, D., & Roger, P. P. (2023). Preclinical evaluation of CDK4 phosphorylation predicts high sensitivity of pleural mesotheliomas to CDK4/6 inhibition. Poster présenté à la conférence International Mesothelioma Interest Group (iMig) congress 2023.
  7. 2. Paternot, S., Raspé, E., Meiller, C., Assié, J.-B., Van Meerbeeck, J., Galateau-Sallé, F., Blanquart, C., Berghmans, T., Jean, D., & Roger, P. P. (2021). Preclinical evaluation of CDK4/6 inhibitors in mesothelioma. Poster présenté à la conférence Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research (09-12 juin 2021: Virtual meeting).
  8. 3. Bisteau, X., Roger, P. P., & Beck, B. (2020). Evaluation and prediction of esophageal cancer vulnerability to their addiction to kinase activities. Poster présenté à la conférence EMBO/FEBS - Cancer systems biology: Promises of artificial intelligence (2020-10).
  9. 4. Pita, J. M., Coulonval, K., Paternot, S., Costante, G., Decaussin-Petrucci, M., Copland, J. A., Dumont, J. E., Roger, P. P., & Raspé, E. (2020). CDK4 phosphorylation status and rational use of CDK4/6 inhibitors in advanced thyroid cancers. Abstract session presented at Belgian association for cancer research ANNUAL MEETING(February 7, 2020: V r i j e U n i v e r s i t e i t B r u s s e l , M e d i c a l C a m p u s)
  10. 5. Roger, P. P., Paternot, S., Raspé, E., Meiller, C., Jaurand, M. C., Jean, D., Van Meerbeeck, J., Hylebos, M., Pauwels, P., Remmelink, M., Pouliquen, D., Blanquart, C., Galateau-Salle, F., De Vuyst, P., & Berghmans, T. (2019). Evaluation préclinique des médicaments inhibiteurs de CDK4/6 dans les mésothéliomes (lecture invitée). Abstract session presented at 2ième Journées Francophones sur le Mésothéliomes(28-29 novembre 2019: Nantes, France)
  11. 6. Pita, J. M., Coulonval, K., Paternot, S., Costante, G., Decaussin-Petrucci, M., Marlow, L. A., Copland, J. A., Maenhaut, C., Dumont, J. E., Roger, P. P., & Raspé, E. (2019). CDK4 PHOSPHORYLATION STATUS AND RATIONAL USE OF CDK4/6 INHIBITORS IN ADVANCED THYROID CANCERS [poster]. European thyroid journal,(8), suppl 1.
  12. 7. Paternot, S., Raspé, E., Meiller, C., Remmelink, M., Hylebos, M., Van Meerbeeck, J., Galateau-Salle, F., De Vuyst, P., Blanquart, C., Pouliquen, D., Berghmans, T., Jean, D., & Roger, P. P. (2019). Preclinical evaluation of CDK4/6 inhibitors in mesothelioma. Abstract session presented at IRIBHM PhD Day(2019)
  13. 8. Paternot, S., Raspé, E., Meiller, C., Remmelink, M., Hylebos, M., Van Meerbeeck, J., Galateau-Salle, F., De Vuyst, P., Blanquart, C., Pouliquen, D., Berghmans, T., Jean, D., & Roger, P. P. (2019). Preclinical evaluation of CDK4/6 inhibitors in mesothelioma. Abstract session presented at U-CRC Annual Symposium(2019)

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