Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (61)

  1. 60. Dehaeck, S., Wylock, C., & Colinet, P. (2008). A Mach-Zehnder interferometer-based study of evaporation of binary mixtures in Hele-Shaw cells. Paper session presented at ISFV13-FLUVISU12 (01-04 /07/2008: Nice, France).
  2. 61. Wylock, C., Dehaeck, S., Rednikov, A., Cartage, T., Haut, B., & Colinet, P. (2008). Non-linear dynamics of CO2 absorption in aqueous solutions of NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 in a Hele-Shaw cell. Poster présenté à la conférence Réunion annuelle de l'Ecole Doctorale Thématique (22-23 May 2008: Université Libre de Bruxelles).
  3.   Thèses et mémoires (1)

  4. 1. Dehaeck, S. (2007). Development of Glare Point, Shadow and Interferometric Planar Techniques for Gas Bubble Sizing (Thèse doctorale non-publiée). Universiteit Gent, Gent.
  5.   Divers (2)

  6. 1. Dehaeck, S., Colinet, P., & Scheid, B. (2014). How a polymer escapes its solvent.
  7. 2. Dehaeck, S., Wylock, C., & Colinet, P. (2009). Evaporating cocktails.

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