Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (16)

  1. 7. Devillers, R., Klaudel, H., Koutny, M., Pelz, E., & Pommereau, F. (2002). Structured Operational Semantics of Asynchronous Links in PBC. HSPC'02 (pp. 314-319).
  2. 8. Devillers, R. (2001). A Box Algebra with Mixed Unfactorisable Operators. In HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING SYMPOSIUM: 2001 Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (pp. 236-241) Seattle: The Society for Computer Simulation International.
  3. 9. Devillers, R., Klaudel, H., & Riemann, R.-C. (1997). General Parameterised Refinement in the M-net Calculus. In B. Farwer, D. Moldt, & M.-O. Stehr (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Petri Nets in System Engineering (PNSE'97) (pp. 55--66). (FBIBericht, FBI-HH-B-205/97). Hamburg: FBIUniHHbis2005.
  4. 10. Devillers, R. (1992). Pre-order Temporal Logics for the Description and the Comparison of Elementary Net Systems. Workshop on Logics for Distributed Systems
  5. 11. Devillers, R. (1991). Maximality Preserving Bisimulation: Simplifications and Extensions. In E. Best (Ed.), 3rd Workshop on Concurrency and Compositionality: GMD-Studien Nr. 191: Vol. 6 (pp. 80-82) Hildesheimer Informatik-Berichte.
  6. 12. Devillers, R. (1988). Concurrency, Bisimulation and Refinement. Workshop on "Combining Compositonality and Concurrency" (1988: Köningswinter)
  7. 13. Devillers, R. (1980). Interprétation en terme de jeu du problème de l'évitement des interblocages. In P. Hansen & D. De Werra (Eds.), REGARDS SUR LA THÉORIE DES GRAPHES Presses Polytechniques Romandes de Lausanne.
  8. 14. Beaufays, O., Devillers, R., Van Binst, P., et al. (1979). Study of the Replacement of the Computers at the Brussels Universities Computer Centre. Proceedings de la Convention Informatique 1979 (Paris)
  9. 15. Devillers, R., & Louchard, G. (1977). Using Auxiliary Variables in Parallel Programs Verification. Proceedings of the International Computing Symposium (pp. 217--225) (4-7 avril 1977: Liège).
  10. 16. Devillers, R. (1975). Evitement des Interblocages dans un Modèle à Organigrammes. In Structure et programmation des calculateurs: textes des exposés du Séminaire organisé par l'] Institut de recherche d'informatique et d'automatique, [Rocquencourt, 1973]. Rocquencourt : IRIA.
  11.   Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (35)

  12. 1. Best, E., & Devillers, R. (2014). Characterisation of the State Spaces of Marked Graph Petri Nets. (Berichte aus dem Department für Informatik No 3/14). Universität Oldenburg: Department für Informatik.
  13. 2. Best, E., & Devillers, R. (2014). Persistent Systems with Unique Minimal Cyclic Parikh Vectors. (Technical Report No 02/14). Carl von Ossietzki Universität Oldenburg: Dep. Informatik.

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