Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (19)

  1. 1. Bujiriri, N., Paternotte, D., Bingen, A., Botella, S., Hanquinet, L., Houdmont, D. P., Truffin, B., & Vanhaesebrouck, K. (2023). Cahier de propositions d’outils et de bonnes pratiques relatifs à la Charte pour l’égalité de genre dans les lieux culturels de la ville de Bruxelles.
  2. 2. Datta, N., & Paternotte, D. (2022). A Primer on Anti-Gender Politics in Europe: Exploring the forms, methods and impact of Anti-gender campaigning in Europe.: Report for the European Institute for Gender Equality.
  3. 3. Datta, N., & Paternotte, D. (2020). Anti-gender narratives and strategies: Report for the European Institute for Gender Equality.
  4. 4. Datta, N., & Paternotte, D. (2020). ABC of anti-gender politics in contemporary Europe.
  5. 5. Paternotte, D. (2019). Wannes Dupont, Elwin Hofman & Jonas Roelens (Eds.), Verzwegen verlangen: Een geschiedenis van homoseksualiteit in België. Tijdschrift voor genderstudies, 22(1) , 299-303.
  6. 6. Kuhar, R., & Paternotte, D. (2016). Anti-gender mobilization : European issue.: Report on the meeting II.
  7. 7. Kuhar, R., & Paternotte, D. (2015). Gender ideology : Mobilization of conservative groups against gender equality and sexual citizenship: Report on the meeting.
  8. 8. Paternotte, D. (2014). Ashley Currier, Out In Africa: LGBT Organizing in Namibia and South Africa, Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2012. Gender & society, 28(2) , 322-324.
  9. 9. Paternotte, D. (2014). Ana Cristina Santos, Social Movements and Sexual Citizenship in Southern Europe, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Sexualities, 17(1-2) , 255-257.
  10. 10. Paternotte, D. (2013). Le phénomène queer en France et en Europe: Hybridation et effets de circulation. Revue française de science politique, 63(2), 374-379.
  11. 11. Paternotte, D. (2012). Robert Kulpa and Joanna Mizielinska (éds), De-Centring Western Sexualities: Central and Eastern European Perspectives, Farnham: Ashgate, 2011. Transitions, 52(1) , 129-132.
  12. 12. Paternotte, D. (2011). Moving Politics: Emotion and ACT UP’s FIGHT against AIDS by Deborah B. Gould. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009. Pp. xii + 524; index. $65 (hardback); $23 (paperback). ISBN 978-0-226-30529-5 and 978-0-226-30530-1. Social movement studies, 10(3) , 317-318.

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