Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (141)

  1. 103. Collette, C., Lambert, P., Hellegouarch, S., Fueyo Roza, L., & Artoos, K. (2015). Linear encoder based low frequency inertial sensor. MATEC Web of Conferences, 32, 06001. doi:10.1051/matecconf/20153206001
  2. 104. Aasi, J., Collette, C., Tshilumba, D., et al. (2015). Advanced LIGO. Classical and quantum gravity, 32(7), 074001. doi:10.1088/0264-9381/32/7/074001
  3. 105. Aasi, J., Collette, C., et al. (2015). Directed search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with initial LIGO data. Physical review. D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 91(6), 062008. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.91.062008
  4. 106. Collette, C., Nassif, F., Amar, J., Depouhon, C., & Gorza, S.-P. (2015). Prototype of interferometric absolute motion sensor. Sensors and actuators. A, Physical, 224, 72-77. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2015.01.019
  5. 107. Aasi, J., Abbott, B. J., Abbott, R., Collette, C., et al. (2015). Narrow-band search of continuous gravitational-wave signals from Crab and Vela pulsars in Virgo VSR4 data. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 91, 022004.
  6. 108. Aasi, J., Abbott, B. J., Abbott, R., & Collette, C. (2015). A directed search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with initial LIGO. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 91, 062008.
  7. 109. Aasi, J., Abbott, B. J., Abbott, R., Collette, C., et al. (2015). Searches for continuous gravitational waves from nine young supernova remnants. The Astrophysical journal, 813(1), 39. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/813/1/39
  8. 110. Aasi, J., Abbott, B. J., Abbott, R., Collette, C., et al. (2014). The NINJA-2 project: Detecting and characterizing gravitational waveforms modelled using numerical binary black hole simulations. Classical and quantum gravity, 31, 115004.
  9. 111. Aasi, J., Abbott, B. J., Abbott, R., Collette, C., et al. (2014). Search for gravitational wave ringdowns from perturbed intermediate mass black holes in LIGO-Virgo data from 2005-2010. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 89, 102006.
  10. 112. Aartsen, M. G., Ackermann, M., Adams, J., Collette, C., Aguilar Sanchez, J. A., et al. (2014). Multimessenger Search for Sources of Gravitational Waves and High-Energy Neutrinos: Results for Initial LIGO-Virgo and IceCube. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 90, 102002.
  11. 113. Aasi, J., Abbott, B. J., Abbott, R., Collette, C., et al. (2014). Methods and results of a search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts using the GEO600, LIGO, and Virgo detectors. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 89, 122004.
  12. 114. Aasi, J., Abbott, B. J., Abbott, R., Collette, C., et al. (2014). Search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts detected by the InterPlanetary Network. Physical review letters, 113, 011102.

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