Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (76)

  1. 33. Cincera, M. (2011). What is the effect of R&D spillover effects on large international R&D companies’ productivity growth? (European Policy Brief).
  2. 34. Cincera, M. (2011). Geographic and technologicaI R&D spillovers and firms productivity performance. (SCience, Innovation, FIrms and markets in a GLObalized World (Sci-Glow)).
  3. 35. Cincera, M., & Ravet, J. (2011). Industrial and international diversification and productivity performance of large EU R&D companies. (IPTS Working Paper on Corporate R&D and Innovation No 1/2011). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  4. 36. Cincera, M., & Veugelers, R. (2010). Young Leading Innovators and EU’s R&D intensity gap. (Policy Contribution No 2010/09). Bruxelles: Breugel.
  5. 37. Hernández, H., Tuebke, A., Hervás, F., & Cincera, M. (2010). The 2010 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. (Monitoring industrial research).
  6. 38. Cincera, M., & Veugelers, R. (2010). Europe's missing Yollies. (Policy Brief No 2010/06). Bruxelles: Bruegel.
  7. 39. Cincera, M., Cozza, C., & Tuebke, A. (2010). The main drivers for the internationalization of R&D activities by EU MNEs. (IPTS Working Paper on Corporate R&D and Innovation No 2/2010). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  8. 40. Cincera, M., & Ravet, J. (2010). Financing constraints and R&D investments of large corporations in Europe and the USA. (IPTS Working Paper on Corporate R&D and Innovation No 3/2010). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  9. 41. Tuebke, A., Cozza, C., & Cincera, M. (2010). The 2008 Survey on R&D Investment Business Trends. (Monitoring industrial research).
  10. 42. Cincera, M., & Veugelers, R. (2010). Young Leading Innovators and EU’s R&D intensity gap. (IPTS Working Paper on Corporate R&D and Innovation No 7/2010). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  11. 43. Cincera, M., Cozza, C., & Tuebke, A. (2010). Doing corporate R&D or not (in a crisis…), that is the question. (IPTS Working Paper on Corporate R&D and Innovation No 12/2010). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  12. 44. Cincera, M. (2009). Public R&D efficiency, product market reforms and TFP growth in the EU. (DG ECFIN Visiting Fellows Programme No 300/2008/SI2.509106).

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