Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (368)

  1. 94. Kenis, C., Wildiers, H., Heeren, P., Milisen, K., Bron, D., Decoster, L., Moor, R., Pepersack, T., Langenaeken, C., Rasschaert, M., Jerusalem, G., Van Rijswijk, R., Lobelle, J. P., & Flamaing, J. (2014). Multicenter implementation of geriatric assessment in Belgian patients with cancer: A survey on treating physicians' general experiences and expectations. Journal of geriatric oncology, 5(4), 431-438. doi:10.1016/j.jgo.2014.06.043
  2. 95. Maerevoet, M., Sattar, L., Bron, D., Gulbis, B., & Pepersack, T. (2014). L'anémie de la personne âgée. Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 35(4), 361-367.
  3. 96. Busser, H., De Bruyn, C., Urbain, F., Najar, M., Pieters, K., Raicevic, G., Meuleman, N., Bron, D., & Lagneaux, L. (2014). Isolation of adipose derived stromal cells without enzymatic treatment: expansion, phenotypical and functional characterization. Stem cells and development. doi:10.1089/scd.2014.0071
  4. 97. Van Damme, M., Crompot, E., Meuleman, N., Mineur, P., Dessars, B., El Housni, H., Bron, D., Lagneaux, L., & Stamatopoulos, B. (2014). Global histone deacetylase enzymatic activity is an independent prognostic marker associated with a shorter overall survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients. Epigenetics, 9(10), 1374-1381. doi:10.4161/15592294.2014.969628
  5. 98. Igala, M., Kentos, A., Bron, D., Dehou, M. F., Unger, P., & Stoupel, E. (2014). Troubles du rythme cardiaque et syndrome cave supérieur révélateurs d'un syndrome de Richter. Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 35(2), 69-71.
  6. 99. Dallemagne, J., Ngirabacu, M.-C., De Wilde, V., Bailly, B., Benghiat, F., Maerevoet, M., Dehou, M. F., Meuleman, N., & Bron, D. (2014). Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder following solid organ transplantation. Belgian Journal of Hematology, 26-27.
  7. 100. Willemze, R., Suciu, S., Meloni, G., Labar, B., Marie, J. P., Halkes, C. C., Muus, P., Mistrik, M., Amadori, S., Specchia, G., Fabbiano, F., Nobile, F., Sborgia, M., Camera, A., Selleslag, D., Lefrère, F., Magro, D., Sica, S., Cantore, N., Beksac, M. S., Berneman, Z., Thomas, X., Melillo, L., Guimaraes, J. E., Leoni, P., Luppi, M., Mitra, M. E., Bron, D., Fillet, G., Marijt, E. E., Venditti, A., Hagemeijer, A., Mancini, M., Jansen, J., Cilloni, D., Meert, L., Fazi, P., Vignetti, M., Trisolini, S. S., Mandelli, F., & De Witte, T. (2014). High-dose cytarabine in induction treatment improves the outcome of adult patients younger than age 46 years with acute myeloid leukemia: results of the EORTC-GIMEMA AML-12 trial. Journal of clinical oncology, 32(3), 219-228. doi:10.1200/JCO.2013.51.8571
  8. 101. Bron, D. (2013). Ibrutinib: A major breakthrough in the treatment of CLL and other lymphoproliferative disorders. Belgian Journal of Hematology, 4(3), 102-105.
  9. 102. Philippart, P., Meuleman, N., Stamatopoulos, B., Najar, M., Pieters, K., De Bruyn, C., Bron, D., & Lagneaux, L. (2013). In Vivo Production of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells After Injection of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Activated by Recombinant Human Soluble Tissue Factor in the Bone Marrow of Healthy Volunteers. Tissue Engineering. Part A. Tissue Engineering. doi:10.1089/ten.TEA.2013.0244
  10. 103. Bron, D. (2013). Approche rationnelle d'une hyperleucocytose. Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 34(4), 339-342.
  11. 104. Gu-Trantien, C., Loi, S., Garaud, S., Equeter, C., Libin, M., de Wind, A., Ravoet, M., Le Buanec, H., Sibille, C., Manfouo-Foutsop, G., Veys, I., Haibe-Kains, B., Singhal, S. K., Michiels, S., Rothé, F., Salgado, R., Duvillier, H., Ignatiadis, M., Desmedt, C., Bron, D., Larsimont, D., Piccart-Gebhart, M., Sotiriou, C., & Willard-Gallo, K. (2013). CD4+ Tfh cells in extensively-infiltrated breast cancer predict survival. The Journal of clinical investigation. doi:10.1172/JCI67428
  12. 105. Kenis, C., Bron, D., Libert, Y., Decoster, L., Van Puyvelde, K., Scalliet, P., Cornette, P., Pepersack, T., Luce, S., Langenaeken, C., Rasschaert, M., Allepaerts, S., van Rijswijk, R., Milisen, K., Flamaing, J., Lobelle, J. P., & Wildiers, H. (2013). Relevance of a systematic geriatric screening and assessment in older patients with cancer: results of a prospective multicentric study. Annals of oncology, 24(5), 1306-1312. doi:10.1093/annonc/mds619

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