Ouvrages publiés en collaboration (2)

  1. 1. Goelen, E., Bladt, S., Bouland, C., Casimir, G., Chasseur, C., Charlier, C., De Brouwere, K., Dehandschutter, B., Dewolf, M.-C., Dinne, K., Kuske, M., Lor, M., Michel, O., Poffijn, A., Roger, M., Romain, A., Stranger, M., Steurbaut, W., Vanmarcke, H., & Van Den Brande, M. (2017). Indoor air quality in belgium: CSS n°8794.
  2. 2. Lissauer, T., Clayden, G., Joffrin, C., & Casimir, G. (2014). Pédiatrie manuel illustré. De Boeck.
  3.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (13)

  4. 1. Casimir, G. (2004). Prévention de l’asthme chez l’enfant. In L’asthme et l’enfant.
  5. 2. Strobel, S., Isolaure, E., Szeppalusi, Z., Casimir, G., & Wahn, U. (2003). Infant Nutrition and allergy prevention. In New Paradigms in atopy Prevention. The UCB Institute of Allergy.
  6. 3. Kahn, A., Mozin, M.-J., Groswasser, J., Sottiaux, M., Dan, B., Scaillet, S., Casimir, G., & Duchateau, J. (2001). Sleep disorders and childhood allergy. In Sleep Disturbance in Children and Adolescents with Disorders of Development: its Significance and Management (pp. 137-139). London: Mac Keith Press, Cambridge University Press.(Clinics in developmental medicine, 155).
  7. 4. Casimir, G. (1996). Immune response in the atopic child with eczema. In S. Gilbert (Ed.), Atopic dermatitis monograph 1996 (pp. 25-28). Scientific Therapeutics Information.
  8. 5. Casimir, G. (1996). Les allergies de l'enfant. In J. Senterre & R. Eeckels (Eds.), Pédiatrie Capita selecta. De Prins.
  9. 6. Casimir, G. (1995). Importance of cow's milk allergy in developed countries. In H. Heymans & Y. Vandenplas (Eds.), Hypoallergenic formulas. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
  10. 7. Kahn, A., Mozin, M.-J., Rebuffat, E., Sottiaux, M., Casimir, G., Duchateau, J., & Muller, M.-F. (1991). Children intolerant to cow’s milk may suffer from severe insomnia. In J. Peter (Ed.), Sleep and Health Risk (pp. 458-467). Berlin: Springer-verlag.
  11. 8. Kahn, A., Mozin, M.-J., Rebuffat, E., Sottiaux, M., Casimir, G., Duchateau, J., & Muller, M.-F. (1988). Sleep behavioral changes in milk intolerant infants: a double blind crossover study. In R. Hamburger (Ed.), Food Intolerance in Infancy ; allergology immunology and gastroenterology (pp. 163-172). New York: Raven Press.
  12. 9. Rebuffat, E., Kahn, A., Mozin, M.-J., Blum, D., Casimir, G., & Duchateau, J. (1988). Chronic insomnia in infants and allergy to cow’s milk. In W. Koella, J. Obal, H. Schuld, & P. Visser (Eds.), Sleep’ 86 (pp. 413-414). New York: Gustav Fisher Verlag.
  13. 10. Kahn, A., Mozin, M.-J., Rebuffat, E., Blum, D., Casimir, G., Duchateau, J., Jost, R., & Pahud, J. (1988). Investigation and management of sleep difficulties associated with cows milk allergy in infants. In Food allergy (pp. 29-31). NESTLE Nutrition.

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