Works published as editor or in collaboration (1)

  1. 1. Van Acker, W., & Bourouiba, L. (2025). Degree Zero. The Third Term in Architecture. Leipzig: Spektor Books.
  2.   Peer-reviewed journal articles (1)

  3. 1. FL.5.2, F., Bourouiba, L., Chancel, V., Frick-Cloupet, C., & Iger, A.-L. (2023). (In)visible authors. Oase,(113).
  4.   Active participation in international conferences and symposiums (3)

  5. 1. Van Acker, W., & Bourouiba, L. (2023). Ideas without Winners. The 1980 Counter-competition Les Halles. Paper session presented at 76th Annual International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) (April 12-16 2023: Montréal).
  6. 2. Van Acker, W., & Bourouiba, L. (2022). Zero Degree of Architectural Writing: Theorizing, drawing and debating the 'third term'. In W. Van Acker & L. Bourouiba (Eds.), Zero Degree of Architectural Writing Bruxelles: Faculté d'architecture La Cambre-Horta.
  7. 3. Van Acker, W., & Bourouiba, L. (2022). Debating postmodernism in the 'third space’ of the International Committee of Architectural Critics (CICA). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of EAHN Abstract session presented at (15-17 June 2022: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)