Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (1)

  1. 1. Mansuy, J., Verga, G. C., Pel, B., Khan, A. Z., Achten, W., Callorda Fossati, E., Bauler, T., Lebeau, P., & Macharis, C. (2022). Transitioning to a circular economy: Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems. doi:10.46944/9789461173942
  2.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (2)

  3. 1. Verga, G. C., & Khan, A. Z. (2022). Factors impacting the transitioning to a circular economy in an industry: the example of the construction sector. In Factors impacting the transitioning to a circular economy in an industry: the example of the construction sector. Brussels, Belgium: ASP Academic and Scientific Publishers. doi:10.46944/9789461173942
  4. 2. Verga, G. C., & Khan, A. Z. (2022). An introduction to the circular economy. In An introduction to the circular economy, Vol. 1. Transitioning to a circular economy (1 ed., pp. 15-47). Brussels, Belgium: ASP Academic and Scientific Publishers. doi:10.46944/9789461173942
  5.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (2)

  6. 1. Bortolotti, A., Verga, G. C., & Khan, A. Z. (2023). Which circularity for urban design and planning? A compass to navigate circular economy research knowledge and methods. Planning practice + research, 38(5). doi:10.1080/02697459.2023.2262128
  7. 2. Verga, G. C., & Khan, A. Z. (2022). Space Matters: Barriers and Enablers for Embedding Urban Circularity Practices in the Brussels Capital Region. Frontiers, 8, 810049, 1-25. doi:10.3389/fbuil.2022.810049
  8.   Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (2)

  9. 1. Verga, G. C., & Khan, A. Z. (2021). Crafting insights on Urban Circularity: two case studies of inclusive socio-ecological practices in two types of public open- air space. IBA Crossing Boundaries IBA Crossing Boundaries(24-25 March 2021: Parkstad, The Netherlands)
  10. 2. Verga, G. C., Khan, A. Z., & Athanassiadis, A. (2019). 'Circularity' in Urban Ecological Transition.: Towards a (re)design framework through the spatial exploration of circularity practices and projects. International European Urbanisms Seminar: Urbanism research across the world: proceedings of the PhD Seminar. Vol. 2684-0979 (p. 93) Urban Resilience and the Changing City(2nd Edition: 18-20 Decembre 2019: KU Leuven (Belgium)).
  11.   Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (3)

  12. 1. Verga, G. C., Khan, A. Z., & Athanassiadis, A. (2020). ‘Circularity’ in Urban Ecological Transitions: an initial definition and the identification of key challenges. Paper session presented at Doctoral Seminars on Sustainability research in the Built Environment (5th Edition: May 14-15 2020: Hasselt, Belgium).
  13. 2. Verga, G. C., & Khan, A. Z. (2019). Urban Circularity: two case-studies of the constructor sector in the Brussels Capital Region. Paper session presented at Sustainable Winter Festival, VUB (19 december 2019: Brussels).
  14. 3. Verga, G. C., & Khan, A. Z. (2018). Territories for Cities and Regions Ecological Transition’s Ambitions: Questing Circular Economies’ Spatializations in the Brussels Capital Region. Poster présenté à la conférence Doctoral Seminars on Sustainability Research in the Built Environment (May 29th-30th 2018: Brussels).
  15.   Direction d'ouvrages: chapitres rédigés par des membres de l'ULB (2)

  16. 1. Pel, B., Callorda Fossati, E., & Bauler, T. (2022). The secret life of Exnovation: Exploring weak signals of a new sustainability transitions mind-set. In J. Mansuy, G. C. Verga, B. Pel, M. Messagie, P. Lebeau, W. Achten, A. Z. Khan, & C. Macharis (Eds.), Transitioning to a Circular Economy: Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems (pp. 75-93). Brussels: ASP.
  17. 2. Wouters, A., Khan, A. Z., & Macharis, C. (2022). Conclusion. In J. Mansuy & G. C. Verga (Eds.), Transitioning to a Circular Economy: Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems (pp. 217-222). Brussels: ASP Academic and Scientific Publishers. doi:10.46944/9789461173942