Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (2)

  1. 1. Coeckelbergs, M., Van Peursen, W., Roorda, D., Kingham, C., & Winther-Nielsen, N. (2020). Processing Ancient Text Corpora.: Lorentz Centre Workshop.
  2. 2. Coeckelbergs, M., Van Hecke, P. P., Roorda, D., Van Lit, C., Van Peursen, W., Popovic, M., Vlaardingerbroek, H., & Dhali, M. (2019). From Manuscript to Text Analytics.
  3.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (8)

  4. 1. Coeckelbergs, M., & Van Peursen, W. (2023). Between Information Science and Linguistics.: Syriac Lexicography and Translation Divergence through the Lens of Colibri-Core. In Between Information Science and Linguistics.: Syriac Lexicography and Translation Divergence through the Lens of Colibri-Core. Daniel King, Rick Taylor.(Perspectives on Linguistics and Ancient Languages).
  5. 2. Coeckelbergs, M. (2023). From Clustering to Interpretation.: Lexical Differences in Light of Linguistic Features in the Enochic Texts from Qumran. In From Clustering to Interpretation.: Lexical Differences in Light of Linguistic Features in the Enochic Texts from Qumran., From the Books of Enoch to Genesis Apocryphon: Aramaic Manuscripts of 1 Enoch and Related Aramaic Traditions from Qumran.. Leiden, Brill: Drawnel, Henryk and Boccaccini, Gabriele.
  6. 3. Coeckelbergs, M. (2023). Beyond Vectors and Graphs.: Topological Data Analysis for the Detection of Propaganda. In Beyond Vectors and Graphs.: Topological Data Analysis for the Detection of Propaganda., Detecting Online Propaganda and Misinformation.. Singapore: Last, Mark; Litvak, Marina and Miao Lin.
  7. 4. Coeckelbergs, M. (2023). Between Pronoun Patterns and Identity.: Using Network Centrality Measures to Detect and Visualize Liturgical Dynamics in the Hodayot. In Between Pronoun Patterns and Identity.: Using Network Centrality Measures to Detect and Visualize Liturgical Dynamics in the Hodayot. Kansas City, Kansas: Jutta Jokiranta, Molly Zahn.
  8. 5. Coeckelbergs, M. (2022). Machine learning techniques for the management of digitised collections. In Machine learning techniques for the management of digitised collections, Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities (1 ed., pp. 244-259). Koraljka Golub, Ying-Hsang Liu.
  9. 6. Van Hooland, S., & Coeckelbergs, M. (2022). Exploring large-scale digital archives - opportunities and limits to use unsupervised machine learning for the extraction of semantics. In Handbook of Digital Public History (pp. 517-529). De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783110430295-046
  10. 7. Coeckelbergs, M. (2021). Between statistics and hermeneutics.: The interplay between digital and traditional methods in Hebrew linguistics as evidenced from the study of hapax legomena. In Between statistics and hermeneutics.: The interplay between digital and traditional methods in Hebrew linguistics as evidenced from the study of hapax legomena., Vol. 4. Digital Humanities and Christianity: An Introduction (1 ed., p. 151). Claire Clivaz, Tim Hutchings.
  11. 8. Coeckelbergs, M., Van Hooland, S., & Van Hecke, P. P. (2017). Combining Topic Modeling and Fuzzy Matching Techniques to Build Bridges between Primary and Secondary Source Materials.: A Test Case from the King James Version Bible. In Combining Topic Modeling and Fuzzy Matching Techniques to Build Bridges between Primary and Secondary Source Materials.: A Test Case from the King James Version Bible., Advances in digital scholarly editing.. Sidestone, England: Anna-Maria Sichani-Elena Spadini-Dirk van Hulle.
  12.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (6)

  13. 1. Coeckelbergs, M. (2020). The Reconfiguration of Hebrew in the Hellenistic Period. Dead Sea discoveries, 27(2), 311-314.
  14. 2. Coeckelbergs, M., & Van Hooland, S. (2020). Concepts in topics. using word embeddings to leverage the outcomes of topic modeling for the exploration of digitized archival collections. Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 319 LNICST, 41-52. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-50072-6_4

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