Ouvrages publiés en collaboration (2)

  1. 1. Biggelaar, O. V. D., Deleu, T., Fickers, J., & Horlin, F. (2011). Proceedings of the 32nd WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux - First joint WIC/IEEE SP Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux. Werkgemeenschap voor Informatie en Communicatietheorie.
  2. 2. Horlin, F., & Bourdoux, A. (2008). Digital compensation for analog front ends: a new approach to wireless transceiver design. John Wiley and Sons. doi:10.1002/9780470759028
  3.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (3)

  4. 1. Van der Vorst, T., Van Eeckhaute, M., Benlarbi-Delaï, A., Sarrazin, J. S. J., Quitin, F., Horlin, F., & De Doncker, P. (2019). Application of polynomial chaos expansions for uncertainty estimation in angle-of-arrival based localization. In Uncertainty modeling for engineering applications. Springer.
  5. 2. Fickers, J., Nguyen, T.-H., Louveaux, J., Gorza, S.-P., & Horlin, F. (2017). Application of FBMC in optical communications. In Orthogonal Waveforms and Filter Banks for Future Communication Systems (pp. 73-85). Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-810384-5.00004-9
  6. 3. Horlin, F., Petré, F., Lopez-Estraviz, E., & Naessens, F. (2005). Multiple antennas for 4G wireless systems. In H. Boche (Ed.), Smart Antennas - State of the Art (pp. 683-704). Hindawi Publishing Corporation.(EURASIP Book series on signal processing and communication).
  7.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (91)

  8. 1. Yildirim, H. C., Keskin, M. F., Wymeersch, H., & Horlin, F. (2025). OFDM-based JCAS under Attack: The Dual Threat of Spoofing and Jamming in WLAN Sensing. IEEE internet of things magazine.
  9. 2. Pocoma Copa, E. I., Yildirim, H. C., Determe, J.-F., & Horlin, F. (2024). Synthetic Radar Signal Generator for Human Motion Analysis. IEEE transactions on radar systems.
  10. 3. Storrer, L., Yildirim, H. C., Willame, M., Pocoma Copa, E. I., Cakoni, D., Pollin, S., Louveaux, J., De Doncker, P., & Horlin, F. (2024). Large-Scale Crowd Size Classification with a Wi-Fi-Based Passive Radar. IEEE sensors journal, 24(20), 33560 - 33572. doi:10.1109/JSEN.2024.3453070
  11. 4. Gontier, Q., Wiame, C., Wang, S., Di Renzo, M., Wiart, J. J., Horlin, F., Tsigros, C., Oestges, C., & De Doncker, P. (2024). Joint metrics for EMF exposure and coverage in real-world homogeneous and inhomogeneous cellular networks. IEEE transactions on wireless communications, 23(10), 13267-13284. doi:10.1109/TWC.2024.3400612
  12. 5. Hannotier, C., Horlin, F., & Quitin, F. (2024). A CFO-assisted algorithm for wireless time-difference-of-arrival localization networks: analytical study and experimental results. Sensors, 24(3), 737. doi:10.3390/s24030737
  13. 6. Molineaux, G., Horlin, F., De Doncker, P., & Sarrazin, J. S. J. (2024). A spatial data focusing and generalized time-invariant frequency diverse array approach for high precision range-angle-based geocasting. IEEE transactions on wireless communications., Early Access. doi:10.1109/TWC.2023.3348536
  14. 7. Pocoma Copa, E. I., Storrer, L., Quitin, F., Vandendorpe, L., De Doncker, P., & Horlin, F. (2023). Direct tracking of a wireless transmitter based on rao-blackwellized point mass filter. IEEE transactions on vehicular technology, 72(12), 16469 - 16481. doi:10.1109/TVT.2023.3291078

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