Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (95)

  1. 59. Baudry, S., Penzer, F., & Duchateau, J. (2014). Input-output characteristics of soleus homonymous Ia afferents and corticospinal pathways during upright standing differ between young and elderly adults. Acta physiologica (Online), 210(3), 667-77. doi:10.1111/apha.12233
  2. 60. Papegaaij, S., Otten, E., Hortobagyi, T., Taube, W., & Baudry, S. (2014). Aging causes a reorganization of cortical and spinal control of posture. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 6(MAR), Article 28. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2014.00028
  3. 61. Papegaaij, S., Hogenhout, M., Hortobagyi, T., Taube, W., & Baudry, S. (2014). Age-related decrease in motor cortical inhibition during standing under different sensory conditions. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 6(JUN), 126. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2014.00126
  4. 62. Duchateau, J., Nicol, C., & Baudry, S. (2014). Le vieillissement du système neuromusculaire: de la sarcopénie à la dynapénie. Kinésithérapie la revue, 14(145), 45-51. doi:10.1016/j.kine.2013.09.010
  5. 63. Baudry, S., & Gaillard, V. (2014). Cognitive demand does not influence the responsiveness of homonymous Ia afferents pathway during postural dual task in young and elderly adults. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(2), 295-303. doi:10.1007/s00421-013-2775-8
  6. 64. Poortmans, J., Gulbis, B., De Bruyn, E., Baudry, S., & Carpentier, A. (2013). Limitations of serum values to estimate glomerular filtration rate during exercise. British journal of sports medicine, 47(18), 1166-1170. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2012-090976
  7. 65. Baudry, S., Lanfranco, F., Merletti, R., Duchateau, J., & Minetto, M. A. (2013). Effects of Short-Term Dexamethasone Administration on Corticospinal Excitability. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000000162
  8. 66. Baudry, S., Sarrazin, S., & Duchateau, J. (2013). Effects of load magnitude on muscular activity and tissue oxygenation during repeated elbow flexions until failure. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113(7), 1895-1904. doi:10.1007/s00421-013-2618-7
  9. 67. Duchateau, J., & Baudry, S. (2013). Insights into the neural control of eccentric contractions. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00002.2013
  10. 68. Baudry, S., Penzer, F., & Duchateau, J. (2013). Influence de la force musculaire sur le contrôle de l'équilibre chez la personne âgée. L'Année gérontologique.
  11. 69. Baudry, S., & Duchateau, J. (2012). Age-related influence of vision and proprioception on Ia presynaptic inhibition in soleus muscle during upright stance. Journal of physiology, 590(Pt 21), 5541-5554. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2012.228932
  12. 70. Booghs, C., Baudry, S., Enoka, R., & Duchateau, J. (2012). Influence of neural adjustments and muscle oxygenation on task failure during sustained isometric contractions with elbow flexor muscles. Experimental physiology, 97(8), 918-929. doi:10.1113/expphysiol.2011.064303

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