Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (100)

  1. 85. Debauve, G., Nonclercq, D., Ribaucour, F., Wiedig, M., Gerbaux, C., Leo, O., Laurent, G., Journé, F., Belayew, A., & Toubeau, G. (2006). Early expression of the Helicase-Like Transcription Factor (HLTF/SMARCA3) in an experimental model of estrogen-induced renal carcinogenesis. Molecular cancer, 5, 23. doi:10.1186/1476-4598-5-23
  2. 86. Journé, F., Magne, N., Chaboteaux, C., Kinnaert, E., Bauss, F., & Body, J.-J. (2006). Sequence- and concentration-dependent effects of acute and long-term exposure to the bisphosphonate ibandronate in combination with single and multiple fractions of ionising radiation doses in human breast cancer cell lines. Clinical & experimental metastasis, 23(2), 135-147. doi:10.1007/s10585-006-9025-y
  3. 87. Journé, F., Chaboteaux, C., Magne, N., Duvillier, H., Laurent, G., & Body, J.-J. (2005). Additive growth inhibitory effects of ibandronate and antiestrogens in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cell lines. Breast cancer research, 8(1), R2. doi:10.1186/bcr1363
  4. 88. Laïos, I., Journé, F., Nonclercq, D., Vidal, D. S., Toillon, R.-A., Laurent, G., & Leclercq, G. (2005). Role of the proteasome in the regulation of estrogen receptor α turnover and function in MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells. Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 94(4), 347-359. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2005.02.005
  5. 89. Journé, F., Chaboteaux, C., Dumon, J. C., Leclercq, G., Laurent, G., & Body, J.-J. (2004). Steroid-free medium discloses oestrogenic effects of the bisphosphonate clodronate on breast cancer cells. British Journal of Cancer, 91(9), 1703-1710. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6602181
  6. 90. Nonclercq, D., Journé, F., Body, J.-J., Leclercq, G., & Laurent, G. (2004). Ligand-independent and agonist-mediated degradation of estrogen receptor-α in breast carcinoma cells: Evidence for distinct degradative pathways. Molecular and cellular endocrinology, 227(1-2), 53-65. doi:10.1016/j.mce.2004.07.003
  7. 91. Journé, F., Dumon, J. C., Kheddoumi, N., Fox, J. J., Laïos, I., Leclercq, G., & Body, J.-J. (2004). Extracellular calcium downregulates estrogen receptor alpha and increases its transcriptional activity through calcium-sensing receptor in breast cancer cells. Bone, 35(2), 479-488. doi:10.1016/j.bone.2004.03.021
  8. 92. Journé, F., Body, J.-J., Leclercq, G., Nonclercq, D., & Laurent, G. (2004). Estrogen responsiveness of IBEP-2, a new human cell line derived from breast carcinoma. Breast cancer research and treatment, 86(1), 39-53. doi:10.1023/B:BREA.0000032922.87541.31
  9. 93. Dumon, J. C., Journé, F., Kheddoumi, N., Lagneaux, L., & Body, J.-J. (2004). Cytostatic and apoptotic effects of bisphosphonates on prostate cancer cells. European urology, 45(4), 521-8; discussion 528-9. doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2003.12.012
  10. 94. Journé, F., De Simone, P., Laureys, M., Le Moine, O., Gelin, M., & Closset, J. (2004). Right hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm and cystic duct leak after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Surgical endoscopy, 18(3), 554-556.
  11. 95. Laïos, I., Journé, F., Laurent, G., Nonclercq, D., Toillon, R.-A., Seo, H.-S., & Leclercq, G. (2003). Mechanisms governing the accumulation of estrogen receptor alpha in MCF-7 breast cancer cells treated with hydroxytamoxifen and related antiestrogens. Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 87(2-3), 207-221. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2003.09.011
  12. 96. Seo, H.-S., Journé, F., Larsimont, D., Sotiriou, C., & Leclercq, G. (2003). Decrease of estrogen receptor expression and associated ERE-dependent transcription in MCF-7 breast cancer cells after oligomycin treatment. Steroids, 68(3), 257-269.

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