Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (132)

  1. 34. Fekel, F. C., Willmarth, D., Abt, H. H., & Pourbaix, D. (2018). Spectroscopic Orbits for Late-type Stars. II. The Astronomical journal, 156(3), 117. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aad3c1
  2. 35. Mignard, F., Pourbaix, D., Siopis, C., et al. (2018). Gaia Data Release 2: The celestial reference frame (Gaia -CRF2). Astronomy & astrophysics, 616, A14. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201832916
  3. 36. Helmi, A., Pourbaix, D., Siopis, C., & Sadowski, G. (2018). Gaia Data Release 2: Kinematics of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way. Astronomy & astrophysics, 616, A12. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201832698
  4. 37. Kiefer, F., Halbwachs, J.-L., Lebreton, Y., Soubiran, C., Arenou, F., Pourbaix, D., Famaey, B., Guillout, P., Ibata, R., & Mazeh, T. (2018). Masses of the components of SB2 binaries observed with Gaia - IV. Accurate SB2 orbits for 14 binaries and masses of three binaries$^*$. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474, 731-745. doi:10.1093/mnras/stx2794
  5. 38. Brown, A., Pourbaix, D., Siopis, C., Sadowski, G., et al. (2018). Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the contents and survey properties. Astronomy & astrophysics, 616, A1. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201833051
  6. 39. Spoto, F., Pourbaix, D., Siopis, C., Sadowski, G., et al. (2018). Gaia Data Release 2. Observations of solar system objects. Astronomy & astrophysics, 616, A13. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201832900
  7. 40. Babusiaux, C., Pourbaix, D., Siopis, C., Sadowski, G., et al. (2018). Gaia Data Release 2. Observational hertzsprung-russell diagrams. Astronomy & astrophysics, 616, A10. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201832843
  8. 41. Katz, D., Pourbaix, D., Siopis, C., Sadowski, G., et al. (2018). Gaia Data Release 2. Mapping the milky way disc kinematics. Astronomy & astrophysics, 616, A11. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201832865
  9. 42. Merle, T., Van Eck, S., Jorissen, A., Van Der Swaelmen, M., Masseron, T., Zwitter, T., Hatzidimitriou, D., Klutsch, A., Pourbaix, D., et al. (2017). The Gaia-ESO Survey: double, triple and quadruple-line spectroscopic binary candidates. Astronomy & astrophysics, 608, A95 (34 pp.). doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201730442
  10. 43. Escorza Santos, A., Boffin, H., Jorissen, A., Van Eck, S., Siess, L., Van Winckel, H., Karinkuzhi, D., Shetye, S., & Pourbaix, D. (2017). Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and mass distribution of barium stars. Astronomy & astrophysics, 608, A100, 13. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201731832
  11. 44. Escorza Santos, A., Boffin, H., Jorissen, A., Van Eck, S., Siess, L., Van Winckel, H., Karinkuzhi, D., Shetye, S., & Pourbaix, D. (2017). Erratum: Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and mass distribution of barium stars (A&A (2017) 608 (A100) DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201731832). Astronomy & astrophysics, 608, A100. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201731832e
  12. 45. Bedin, L., Pourbaix, D., Apai, D., Burgasser, A., Buenzli, E., Boffin, H., & Libralato, M. (2017). Hubble Space Telescope astrometry of the closest brown dwarf binary system - I. Overview and improved orbit$^*$. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470, 1140-1155. doi:10.1093/mnras/stx1177

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