Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (7)

  1. 7. Weyembergh, A. (2006). Enlargement and the European penal area. Beyond Homogeneity, Conference organised by the Center for EU Enlargement Studies (pp. 93-108) (Central European University, Budapest).
  2.   Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (18)

  3. 1. Burchett, J., & Weyembergh, A. (2023). Prisons and detention conditions in the EU.
  4. 2. Burchett, J., & Weyembergh, A. (2022). Counterterrorism policies, measures and tools in the EU: An assessment of the effectiveness of the EU counterterrorism policy.
  5. 3. Sellier, E., & Weyembergh, A. (2018). Criminal procedural laws across the Union - a comparative analysis of selected main differences and the impact they have over the development of EU legislation.
  6. 4. Briere, C., & Weyembergh, A. (2017). The future cooperation between OLAF and the European Public Prosecutor's Office.
  7. 5. Weyembergh, A., & Briere, C. (2016). Towards a European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO).
  8. 6. Weyembergh, A., & Briere, C. (2016). Towards a European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO).
  9. 7. Weyembergh, A. (2014). National Report on Belgium- Evaluation of the Legal Framework Applicable to Combating Terrorism in the EU Member States.
  10. 8. Briere, C., & Weyembergh, A. (2014). The Fight against THB in the EU: Promoting Legal Cooperation and Victims’ protection: Chapter II - The EU and the fight against trafficking in human beings. In The Fight against THB in the EU: Promoting Legal Cooperation and Victims’ protection 44.
  11. 9. Briere, C., Weyembergh, A., & De Ghellinck, I. (2014). The Fight against THB in the EU: Promoting Legal Cooperation and Victims’ protection: Chapter IV Belgium National Case. In The Fight against THB in the EU: Promoting Legal Cooperation and Victims’ protection 72.
  12. 10. Weyembergh, A., Armada Falco, I., & Briere, C. (2014). The inter-agency cooperation and future architecture of the EU criminal justice and law enforcement area.
  13. 11. Weyembergh, A., Armada Falco, I., & Briere, C. (2014). Critical Assessment of the existing European Arrest Warrant Framework Decision.

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