Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (8)

  1. 1. Van der Vorst, T., Van Eeckhaute, M., Benlarbi-Delaï, A., Sarrazin, J. S. J., Quitin, F., Horlin, F., & De Doncker, P. (2019). Application of polynomial chaos expansions for uncertainty estimation in angle-of-arrival based localization. In Uncertainty modeling for engineering applications. Springer.
  2. 2. Dricot, J.-M., Rinaudo, R., Ferrari, G. G. F., Van Roy, S., De Doncker, P., & Nonclercq, A. (2013). QoS and routing performance evaluation for IEEE 802.15.6 body sensor networks using accurate physical layer. In I. M. M. El Emary & S. Ramakrishnan (Eds.), Wireless sensor networks: theory and application.
  3. 3. Hao, Y., Klemm, M., Fort, A., Kovacs, I., Pedersen, G., Eggers, P., De Doncker, P., & Hall, P. (2012). Body centric UWB communications. In Antennas and propagation for body-centric wireless communications (2nd Ed.). Artech House.
  4. 4. Oestges, C., Lienard, M., Molina-Garcia-Pardo, J., Degli-Esposti, V., Joseph, W., Tanghe, E., Quitin, F., De Doncker, P., Narandzic, M., Czink, N., Haneda, K., Poutanen, J., & Liu, L. (2012). Radio channel modelling for 4G networks. In COST Action 2100 – Pervasive mobile & ambient wireless communications. Springer.
  5. 5. Dricot, J.-M., Bontempi, G., & De Doncker, P. (2009). Static and dynamic localization techniques. In G. G. F. Ferrari (Ed.), Sensor networks: where theory meets practice.
  6. 6. Dricot, J.-M., Ferrari, G. G. F., & De Doncker, P. (2009). Cross-layering between physical layer and routing in wireless ad-hoc networks. In Communications in computer and information science (pp. 324-333).
  7. 7. Dricot, J.-M., Bontempi, G., & De Doncker, P. (2009). Static and dynamic localization techniques for wireless sensor networks. In Static and dynamic localization techniques for wireless sensor networks: where theory meets practice (pp. 249-281). Springer.(Sensor Networks).
  8. 8. Hao, Y., Klemm, M., Fort, A., Kovacs, I., Pedersen, G., Eggers, P., De Doncker, P., & Hall, P. (2006). Body centric UWB communications. In Antennas and propagation for body-centric wireless communication (pp. 93-150). Artech House.
  9.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (103)

  10. 1. Storrer, L., Yildirim, H. C., Willame, M., Pocoma Copa, E. I., Cakoni, D., Pollin, S., Louveaux, J., De Doncker, P., & Horlin, F. (2024). Large-Scale Crowd Size Classification with a Wi-Fi-Based Passive Radar. IEEE sensors journal, 24(20), 33560 - 33572. doi:10.1109/JSEN.2024.3453070
  11. 2. Gontier, Q., Wiame, C., Wang, S., Di Renzo, M., Wiart, J. J., Horlin, F., Tsigros, C., Oestges, C., & De Doncker, P. (2024). Joint metrics for EMF exposure and coverage in real-world homogeneous and inhomogeneous cellular networks. IEEE transactions on wireless communications, 23(10), 13267-13284. doi:10.1109/TWC.2024.3400612
  12. 3. Molineaux, G., Horlin, F., De Doncker, P., & Sarrazin, J. S. J. (2024). A spatial data focusing and generalized time-invariant frequency diverse array approach for high precision range-angle-based geocasting. IEEE transactions on wireless communications., Early Access. doi:10.1109/TWC.2023.3348536
  13. 4. Wiame, C., Demey, S., Vandendorpe, L., De Doncker, P., & Oestges, C. (2024). Joint data rate and EMF exposure analysis in Manhattan environments: stochastic geometry and ray tracing approaches. IEEE transactions on vehicular technology, 73(1), 894-908. doi:10.1109/TVT.2023.3307226

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