Ouvrages publiés à titre de seul auteur (2)

  1. 1. Fresnoza-Flot, A. (2013). Mères migrantes sans frontières: La dimension invisible de l‘immigration philippine en France. Paris: L'Harmattan.
  2. 2. Fresnoza-Flot, A. (2009). Migration, genre et famille transnationale: l'exemple des mères migrantes philippines en France. Lille: Atelier national de reproduction des thèses.
  3.   Ouvrages publiés en collaboration (1)

  4. 1. Fresnoza-Flot, A., & Liu-Farrer, G. (2022). Tangled mobilities: Places, affects, and personhood across social spheres in Asian migration. doi:10.3167/9781800735675
  5.   Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (8)

  6. 1. Fresnoza-Flot, A., & Sunanta, S. (2022). Challenging stereotypes in Europe-Thailand transnational migration (Special Issue in the journal Advances in Southeast Asian Studies).
  7. 2. Fresnoza-Flot, A., & Liu-Farrer, G. (2022). Tangled mobilities. Places, affects, and personhood across social spheres in Asian migration. New York: Berghahn Books.
  8. 3. Fresnoza-Flot, A., & De Hart, B. (2022). Divorce in transnational families: norms, networks, and intersecting categories (Special Issue of Population, Space and Place). doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2582
  9. 4. Fresnoza-Flot, A., & Wang, S. (2021). Asia-Europe intimate links: family migration, binational couples and mixed-parentage children (Special Issue of Asian and Pacific Migration Journal).
  10. 5. Fresnoza-Flot, A., & Ricordeau, G. (2019). International marriages and marital citizenship. Southeast Asian women on the move. First edition/copyright year: 2017. Abingdon & New York: Routledge.
  11. 6. Debonneville, J., Fresnoza-Flot, A., & Ricordeau, G. (2019). Mobilités dans le Sud globalisé: altérité, racialisation et fabrique des identités (Special Issue of Civilisations).
  12. 7. Shinozaki, K., & Fresnoza-Flot, A. (2017). Transnational perspectives on intersecting experiences: gender, social class and generation among Southeast Asian migrants and their families (Special Issue of Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies).
  13. 8. Nagasaka, I., & Fresnoza-Flot, A. (2015). Mobile childhoods in Filipino transnational families: Migrant children with similar roots in different routes. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  14.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (32)

  15. 1. Fresnoza-Flot, A. (2023). Social relatedness and forenaming in ‘mixed’ families: valuing children of Filipino-Belgian couples. In D. Bühler-Niederberger, X. Gu, J. Schwittek, & E. Kim (Eds.), The Emerald handbook of childhood and youth in Asian societies. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/978-1-80382-283-920231020

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