Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (4)

  1. 1. Faldi, G., Fisher, A., Moretto, L., et al. (2021). African Cities Through Local Eyes - Experiments in Place-Based Planning and Design. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-84906-1
  2. 2. Fisher, A., Pinet, J.-F., Dobre, C., Faldi, G., & Tenzon, M. (2018). Through Local Eyes. Place-Based Approaches to Emerging Architectural, Urban Design and Planning Challenges in Africa and the Global South: Abstract book and Programme.
  3. 3. Macchi, S., Ricci, L., Fantini, L., Faldi, G., Kassenga, G., & Shemdoe, R. (2014). Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Urban Development and Environmental Management Plans and Programs. Abstract book and Programme.
  4. 4. Macchi, S., Ricci, L., Fantini, L., Faldi, G., & Congedo, L. (2013). Towards Scenarios for Urban Adaptation Planning. Assessing seawater intrusion under climate and land cover changes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Abstract book and Programme.
  5.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (9)

  6. 1. Kassenga, G., Ngalya, L., Gervas, J., Ruhinda, E., Ligate, F., Faldi, G., Rossi, M., & Sappa, G. (2023). Monitoring Seawater Intrusion in the Coastal Aquifer of Dar es Salaam: a Methodology for Groundwater Data Collection and Storage. In S. Macchi & L. Ricci (Eds.), Adaptation Planning in a Mutable Environment. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  7. 2. Sappa, G., Coviello, M. T., Faldi, G., Trotta, A., & Vitale, S. (2023). An Analysis of the Dar es Salaam Coastal Aquifer’s Sensitivity to Seawater Intrusion under Climate and Land Cover Changes. In S. Macchi & L. Ricci (Eds.), Adaptation Planning in a Mutable Environment. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  8. 3. Faldi, G., Macchi, S., Malcor, O., & Montemurro, M. (2023). Participatory Backcasting for Climate Change Adaptation: Supporting Community Reasoning on Access to Water in Dar es Salaam. In S. Macchi & G. Kassenga (Eds.), Adapting to Climate Change in Coastal Dar es Salaam. Roma, Italy: ARACNE.
  9. 4. Sappa, G., Coviello, M. T., Faldi, G., Rossi, M., Trotta, A., & Vitale, S. (2023). Analysis of the Sensitivity to Seawater Intrusion of Dar es Salaam's Coastal Aquifer with Regard to Climate Change. In S. Macchi & G. Kassenga (Eds.), Adapting to Climate Change in Coastal Dar es Salaam. Roma, Italy: ARACNE.
  10. 5. Faldi, G., & Macchi, S. (2023). From Observed Changes to Desired Futures: Participatory Backcasting in Coastal Dar es Salaam. In S. Macchi & L. Ricci (Eds.), Adaptation Planning in a Mutable Environment. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  11. 6. Faldi, G., Fisher, A., & Moretto, L. (2021). Five Points for Conceptualising Place-Based Approaches to African Urban Planning: An Introduction. In G. Faldi, A. Fisher, & L. Moretto (Eds.), African Cities Through Local Eyes - Experiments in Place-Based Planning and Design (1 ed., pp. 1-27). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.(The Urban Book Series). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-84906-1_1
  12. 7. Faldi, G., Rosati, F., Moretto, L., & Teller, J. (2020). A multi-perspective discourse on the sustainability of water and sanitation service co-production in Global South cities. In J. Martínez, C. Mikkelsen, & R. Phillips (Eds.), Handbook of Quality of Life and Sustainability (pp. 53-80). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.(Springer International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-50540-0_4
  13. 8. Faldi, G., & Macchi, S. (2017). Knowledge for transformational adaptation planning: comparing the potential of forecasting and backcasting methods for assessing people vulnerability. In M. Tiepolo, V. Tarchiani, & A. Pezzoli (Eds.), Renewing Local Planning to Face Climate Change in the Tropics: Bridging Modern and Traditional Knowledge (pp. 265-283). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.(Green Energy and Technology).

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