Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (3)

  1. 1. Jacques, C., Sapart, C., Fripiat, F., Carnat, G., Zhou, J., Delille, B., Röckmann, T., Van der Veen, C., Niemann, H., Haskell, T., & Tison, J.-L. (2021). Sources and sinks of methane in sea ice: Insights from stable isotopes. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1). doi:10.1525/elementa.2020.00167
  2. 2. Lannuzel, D., Tedesco, L., Van Leeuwe, M. M., Karley, C., Flores, H., Delille, B., Miller, L. L., Stefels, J., Assmy, P., Bowman, J. S., Brown, K. A., Castellani, G., Chierici, M. M., Crabeck, O., Ellen, D., Else, B., Fransson, A. A., Fripiat, F., Geilfus, N. X., Jacques, C., Elisabeth, J., Kaartokallio, H., Meiners, K., Moreau, S., Nomura, D., Peeken, I., Rintala, J. M., Steiner, N., Tison, J.-L., Vancoppenolle, M., Van Der Linden, F., Marcello, V., & Wongpan, P. (2020). The future of Arctic sea-ice biogeochemistry and ice-associated ecosystems. Nature climate change. doi:10.1038/s41558-020-00940-4
  3. 3. Jacques, C., Gkritzalis, T., Tison, J.-L., Hartley, T., Van der Veen, C., Röckmann, T., Middelburg, J., Cattrijsse, A., Egger, M., Dehairs, F., & Sapart, C. (2020). Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Signatures of Dissolved Methane in the Scheldt Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts.,
  4.   Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (3)

  5. 1. Sapart, C., Thornton, B., Crill, P., Jacques, C., Dellile, B., Gkritzalis, T., Röckmann, T., Van Der Veen, C., Popa, E., Stammerjohn, S. S., Ackley, S. S., Guest, P., & Tison, J.-L. (2018). The role of polynyas on the atmospheric budget of methane. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
  6. 2. Jacques, C., Gkritzalis, T., Cattrijsse, A., Hartley, T., Egger, M., Borges, A., Van Der Veen, C., Tison, J.-L., Dehairs, F., Middelburg, J., & Sapart, C. (2018). Continuous measurement of dissolved methane concentration in surface waters: a new method tested in the Scheldt Estuary. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
  7. 3. Jacques, C., Sapart, C., Carnat, G., Delille, B., Röckmann, T., & Tison, J.-L. (2017). Where does the methane entrapped in Antarctic sea ice come from? 12th SCAR Biology Symposium
  8.   Thèses et mémoires (1)

  9. 1. Jacques, C. (2021). Methane at the ocean-atmosphere interface, from temperate to polar regions: an isotopic approach (Thèse doctorale non-publiée). Université libre de Bruxelles, Faculté des Sciences – Géosciences, Environnement et Société, Bruxelles.