Ouvrages publiés à titre de seul auteur (3)

  1. 1. Liotta, S.-J. (2019). Co-Dividual Architecture. berlin: jovis verlag.
  2. 2. Liotta, S.-J. (2019). Architectural Guide of Tokyo 1868-2020.
  3. 3. Liotta, S.-J. (2018). A letter from Tokyo.
  4.   Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (1)

  5. 1. Liotta, S.-J. (2012). Patterns and Layering: Japanese Spatial Culture, Nature and Architecture.
  6.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (9)

  7. 1. Liotta, S.-J. (2019). EXPERIMENTING THE USE OF WOOD IN CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE: integrating research into practice. In S.-J. Liotta (Ed.), DIGITAL WOOD DESIGN: Innovative Techniques of Representation in Architectural Design. SPRINGER. doi:978-3-030-03675-1
  8. 2. Liotta, S.-J., Louyot, F., & Squizzato, A. (2022). Rigenerazione urbana dal basso: Valutazione dell’impatto di Farm Cultural Park, Favara (Italia). In F. Bianconi, M. Filippucci, & S. Ceccaroni (Eds.), Città Centrifughe: Presentazione del Cardinale Gualtiero Bassetti. Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN): Maggioli Editore.(Politecnica).
  9. 3. Liotta, S.-J. (2015). East-West. A study on Space and Language:: Relationships between Ideograms, the Roman Alphabet, and Urban Space in the East and the West . In M. Pecchioli (Ed.), Cronanche dal tecno-Medioevo.: Ipertesti, labirinti, tecno-mondi, realtà virtuale nel sapere pre-scientifico del mondo antico (1 ed., p. 481). Milan: MIMESIS.
  10. 4. Liotta, S.-J. (2014). Espace et Ecriture: Idéogrammes, Alphabet et création de l’espace urbain en Asie et Europe. In De la Trace à la Trame (1 ed., p. 262). Paris: Ed. Harmattan.
  11. 5. Liotta, S.-J. (2013). Copy, paste, remix: Tokyo freestyle architecture, metaphor of the contemporary. In N. Hanakata (Ed.), My Tokyo 1953/2013 (1 ed., p. 288). Berlin: Edition Esefeld & Traub.
  12. 6. Liotta, S.-J. (2012). Unzipped Tokyo: Language, Body, Architecture. In SMALL TOKYO- Measuring the non Measurable. Tokyo: MNM.
  13. 7. Liotta, S.-J. (2009). Housing on Artificial Island in Tokyo. In A. Clementi (Ed.), Architecture and Landscape, Italy and Japan Face to Face (p. 468). Barcelona: LIST.
  14. 8. Liotta, S.-J. (2008). New Forms in Architecture, "Leaf Life Love" Project. In J. Sczcesny (Ed.), Sinchronicity: No Hear, No See. Varsovie: Fundacja Bec Zmiana Publishing.

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