Ouvrages publiés en collaboration (1)

  1. 1. Fachada, S., Bonatto, D., Teratani, M., & Lafruit, G. (2022). 3D Computer Graphics: View Synthesis Tool for VR Immersive Video.
  2.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (5)

  3. 1. Martens, C., Rovai, A., Bonatto, D., Metens, T., Debeir, O., Decaestecker, C., Goldman, S., & Van Simaeys, G. (2022). Deep Learning for Reaction-Diffusion Glioma Growth Modeling: Towards a Fully Personalized Model? Cancers (Basel), 14(10), 2530. doi:10.3390/cancers14102530
  4. 2. Fachada, S., Bonatto, D., Teratani, M., & Lafruit, G. (2021). Light field rendering for non-lambertian objects. IS and T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, 2021(2), 054. doi:10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2021.2.SDA-054
  5. 3. Fachada, S., Bonatto, D., & Lafruit, G. (2021). High-quality holographic stereogram generation using four RGBD images. Applied optics, 60(4), A250-A259. doi:10.1364/AO.403787
  6. 4. Bonatto, D., Fachada, S., Rogge, S., Munteanu, A., & Lafruit, G. (2021). Real-Time Depth Video-Based Rendering for 6-DoF HMD Navigation and Light Field Displays. IEEE access, 9, 146868-146887. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3123529
  7. 5. Lafruit, G., Bonatto, D., Tulvan, C., Preda, M., & Yu, L. (2019). Understanding MPEG-I Coding Standardization in Immersive VR/AR Applications. SMPTE motion imaging journal, 128(10), 33-39. doi:10.5594/JMI.2019.2941362
  8.   Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (21)

  9. 1. Boukhris, S., Bonatto, D., & Lafruit, G. (2017). Low-cost plenoptic camera with off-the-shelf components. International Conference on 3D Immersion: Stereopsia
  10. 2. Fan, X., Bonatto, D., & Lafruit, G. (2019). Consistent Long Sequences Deep Faces. IEEE International Conference on 3D Immersion: IC3D
  11. 3. Fachada, S., Bonatto, D., Lafruit, G., & Teratani, M. (2024). Pattern and Subaperture-free Calibration of Plenoptic 2.0 cameras. 12th EUROPEAN WORKSHOP ON VISUAL INFORMATION PROCESSING EUVIP(2024: September 8-11, 2024: Geneve, Suisse)
  12. 4. Losfeld, A., Bonatto, D., Lafruit, G., & Teratani, M. (2023). Study on Viewpoint-Dependent Time-Multiplexing for Weighted Optimization of 3D Layered Displays. In 11th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP) IEEE.
  13. 5. Losfeld, A., Soetens, E., Bonatto, D., Fachada, S., Van Bogaert, L., Lafruit, G., & Teratani, M. (2022). 3D Tensor Display for Non-Lambertian Content. In EEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) IEEE.
  14. 6. Fachada, S., Bonatto, D., Losfeld, A., Lafruit, G., & Teratani, M. (2022). Pattern-free Plenoptic 2.0 Camera Calibration. In IEEE conference on Multimedia and Signal Processing (MMSP) IEEE.

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