Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (3)

  1. 1. Verschaeve, L., Maes, A., Ledent, M., Anthonissen, R., Segers, S., Hinsenkamp, M., Collard, J.-F., Nguyeng, H., Salmon, A., Ennamsa, Z., & Bouland, C. (2020). Long term effect of exposure to extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields: Cytogenetic biomonitoring, gene expression and health and risk perception: Report 2019-2020 BBEMG.
  2. 2. Verschaeve, L., Maes, A., Ledent, M., Anthonissen, R., Van De Maele, J., Hinsenkamp, M., Collard, J.-F., Nguyeng, H., Salmon, A., Ennamsa, Z., & Bouland, C. (2019). Long term effect of exposure to extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields: Cytogenetic biomonitoring, gene expression and health and risk perception: Report 2019-2020 BBEMG: Report 2018-2019 BBEMG.
  3. 3. Verschaeve, L., Maes, A., Ledent, M., Anthonissen, R., Van De Maele, J., Hinsenkamp, M., Collard, J.-F., Nguyeng, H., Ennamsa, Z., & Bouland, C. (2018). Long term effect of exposure to extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields: Cytogenetic biomonitoring, gene expression and health and risk perception: Report 2017-2018 BBEMG.