Ouvrages publiés en collaboration (1)

  1. 1. Van Houtte, P., Charlier, F., Moretti, L., & Van Gestel, D. (2020). Radiotherapy an Alternative to Surgery. doi:10.5772/intechopen.94486
  2.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (68)

  3. 1. Schoenauen, L., Stubbe, F. X., Van Gestel, D., Penninckx, S., & Heuskin, A.-C. (2024). C. elegans: A potent model for high-throughput screening experiments investigating the FLASH effect. Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 45, 100712. doi:10.1016/j.ctro.2023.100712
  4. 2. De Caluwe, A., Romano, E., Poortmans, P., Gombos, A., Agostinetto, E., Marta, G. N., Denis, Z., Drisis, S., Vandekerkhove, C., Desmet, A., Philippson, C., Craciun, L., Veys, I., Larsimont, D., Paesmans, M., Van Gestel, D., Salgado, R., Sotiriou, C., Piccart-Gebhart, M., Ignatiadis, M., & Buisseret, L. (2023). First-in-human study of SBRT and adenosine pathway blockade to potentiate the benefit of immunochemotherapy in early-stage luminal B breast cancer: results of the safety run-in phase of the Neo-CheckRay trial. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 11(12). doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-007279
  5. 3. Mootassim-Billah, S., Van Nuffelen, G., Schoentgen, J., De Bodt, M. M., & Van Gestel, D. (2023). Assessment of radio(chemo)therapy‑related dysphagia in head and neck cancer patients based on cough‑related acoustic features: a prospective phase II national clinical trial (ACCOUGH‑P/A trial). Trials.
  6. 4. Burghelea, M., Bakkali Tahiri, J., Dhont, J., Kyndt, M., Gulyban, A., Szkitsak, J., Bogaert, E., Van Gestel, D., & Reynaert, N. (2023). Results of a multicenter 4D computed tomography quality assurance audit: Evaluating image accuracy and consistency. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 28, 100479. doi:10.1016/j.phro.2023.100479
  7. 5. Sabbah, M., Najem, A., Vanderkerkhove, C., Kert, F., Jourani, Y., Journe, F., Awada, A., Van Gestel, D., Ghanem, G. E., & Krayem, M. (2023). The benefit of co-targeting PARP-1 and c-Met on the efficacy of radiotherapy in wild type BRAF melanoma. Frontiers in medicine, 10. doi:10.3389/fmed.2023.1149918
  8. 6. Mootassim-Billah, S., Schoentgen, J., De Bodt, M. M., Roper, N., Digonnet, A., Le Tensorer, M., Van Nuffelen, G., & Van Gestel, D. (2023). Acoustic Analysis of Voluntary Coughs, Throat Clearings, and Induced Refexive Coughs in a Healthy Population. Dysphagia.
  9. 7. Iliadi Anagnostaki, C., Verset, L., Bouchart, C., Martinive, P., Van Gestel, D., & Krayem, M. (2023). The current understanding of the immune landscape relative to radiotherapy across tumor types. Frontiers in Immunology, 14. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2023.1148692
  10. 8. Benkhaled, S., Peters, C., Jullian, N., Arsenijevic, T., Navez, J., Van Gestel, D., Moretti, L., Van Laethem, J.-L., & Bouchart, C. (2023). Combination, Modulation and Interplay of Modern Radiotherapy with the Tumor Microenvironment and Targeted Therapies in Pancreatic Cancer: Which Candidates to Boost Radiotherapy? Cancers, 15(3), 768. doi:10.3390/cancers15030768
  11. 9. Dragan, T., Van Gossum, A., Duprez, F., Lalami, Y., Lefebvre, Y., Mootassim-Billah, S., Beauvois, S., Gulyban, A., Vandekerkhove, C., Boegner, P., Paesmans, M., Ameye, L., Digonnet, A., Quiriny, M., Dequanter, D., Lipski, S., Willemse, E., Rodriguez, A., Carlot, S., Karaca, Y., Lemort, M., Emonts, P., Al Wardi, C., & Van Gestel, D. (2022). Patient-reported outcomes in terms of swallowing and quality of life after prophylactic versus reactive percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement in advanced oropharyngeal cancer patients treated with definitive chemo-radiotherapy: Swall PEG study. Current controlled trials. Cardiovascular medicine, 23(1). doi:10.1186/s13063-022-06991-6
  12. 10. Philippson, C., Larsen, S., Simon, S., Vandekerkhove, C., De Caluwé, A., Van Gestel, D., Chintinne, M., Veys, I., De Neubourg, F., Noterman, D., Roman, M.-M., Nogaret, J.-M., & Desmet, A. (2022). Intraoperative electron radiotherapy in early invasive ductal breast cancer: 6-year median follow-up results of a prospective monocentric registry. Breast cancer research, 24(1). doi:10.1186/s13058-022-01582-4
  13. 11. Manderlier, M., Navez, J., Hein, M., Engelholm, J. L., Closset, J., Bali, M. A., Van Gestel, D., Moretti, L., Van Laethem, J.-L., & Bouchart, C. (2022). Isotoxic High-Dose Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (iHD-SBRT) Versus Conventional Chemoradiotherapy for Localized Pancreatic Cancer: A Single Cancer Center Evaluation. Cancers (Basel), 14(23). doi:10.3390/cancers14235730

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