Ouvrages publiés en collaboration (1)

  1. 1. Tricas-Sauras, S., & Claeys, A. (2022). TRANSCULTURAL NURSING: Better & Effective Nursing Education for Improving Transcultural nursing Skills.: Chapter on Culturally Sensitive Health Assessment & Culturally Sensitive Communication in Health Care.
  2.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (27)

  3. 1. Michiels, S., Tricas-Sauras, S., Salaroli, A., Bron, D., Lewalle, P., Vanschoenbeek, K., Antoine-Poirel, H., & Kirakoya, F. (2024). Imatinib Adherence and Persistence in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Belgium: Evidence from Real-World Data. Patient Preference and Adherence, Volume 18, 1991-2006. doi:10.2147/PPA.S472478
  4. 2. Servais, J., Vanhoutte, B., Aguirre-Sánchez-Beato, S., Aujoulat, I., Kraus, C., T'Sjoen, G., Tricas-Sauras, S., & Godin, I. (2024). Integrating perspectives of transgender and gender-diverse youth, family members, and professionals to support their health and wellbeing – a mixed-method study protocol. Archives of public health, 82, 40, 1-26. doi:10.1186/s13690-024-01270-z
  5. 3. Demedts, D., Magerman, J., Goossens, E., Tricas-Sauras, S., Bilsen, J., De Smet, S., & Fobelets, M. (2024). Using simulation to teach nursing students how to deal with a euthanasia request. PloS one, 19(3 March), e0299049. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0299049
  6. 4. Yava, A., Tosun, B., Papp, K., Tóthová, V., Şahin, E., Yılmaz, E. B., Dirgar, E., Hellerová, V., Tricas-Sauras, S., Prosen, M., Ličen, S., Karnjus, I., Tamayo, D. B. M., & Leyva-Moral, J. M. (2023). Developing the better and effective nursing education for improving transcultural nursing skills cultural competence and cultural sensitivity assessment tool (BENEFITS-CCCSAT). BMC nursing, 22(1), 331. doi:10.1186/s12912-023-01476-6
  7. 5. Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Agüera, Z., Andrés, A., Lluch-Canut, M. T., Tricas-Sauras, S., Duaso, M., Feliu, A., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Anton, L., Cornejo-Ovalle, M., Puig-Llobet, M., Moreno-Arroyo, C., Barroso, T., Roca, J., & Martínez, C. M. (2023). Knowledge, attitudes, behavioral and organizational factors of health professions students for a competent smoking cessation practice: An instrument adaptation and psychometric validation study in Spanish and English samples. Nurse education in practice, 70, 103647. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2023.103647
  8. 6. Walczak, B., Walczak, A., Tricas-Sauras, S., & Kołodziejczyk, J. (2023). Does Sport Participation Protect Adolescents from Alcohol Consumption? A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(7), 5417. doi:10.3390/ijerph20075417
  9. 7. González‐Luis, H., Azurmendi, A., Santillan‐Garcia, A., & Tricas-Sauras, S. (2022). Nurses' freedom of expression: Rights, obligations and responsibilities. Journal of nursing management, 30(7), 2379-2382. doi:10.1111/jonm.13839
  10. 8. Claeys, A., Berdai-Chaouni, S., Tricas-Sauras, S., & De Donder, L. (2022). Barriers and facilitators in providing care for patients with a migration background. Journal of clinical nursing. doi:10.1111/jocn.16491
  11. 9. Demedts, D., Tricas-Sauras, S., & Bilsen, J. (2022). Nursing Students’ Attitudes, Future Role, and Knowledge Regarding Euthanasia Due to Unbearable Mental Suffering: A Single-Site Pilot Study. Creative nursing, 1(28), 61-68.
  12. 10. Tosun, B., & Tricas-Sauras, S. (2021). Addressing the effects of transcultural nursing education on nursing students' cultural competence: A systematic review. Nurse education in practice, 55, 103171. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2021.103171
  13. 11. Michiels, S., Tricas-Sauras, S., Dauvrin, M., Bron, D., & Kirakoya, F. (2021). A mixed method study design to explore the adherence of haematological cancer patients to oral anticancer medication in a multilingual and multicultural outpatient setting: The MADESIO protocol. PloS one, 16(6), e0253526. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0253526

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