Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (9)
Cappello, J., Rivero Rodriguez, J., Vitry, Y., Dewandre, A., Sobac, B., & Scheid, B. (2023). Beads, bubbles and drops in microchannels: stability of centred position and equilibrium velocity. Journal of fluid mechanics, 956, A21. doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.10532.
Chafaï, A., Vitry, Y., Dehaeck, S., Gallaire, F., Scheid, B., Colinet, P., & Lambert, P. (2021). Two-dimensional modelling of transient capillary driven damped micro-oscillations and self-alignment of objects in microassembly. Journal of fluid mechanics, 910, A6. doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.9193.
Dewandre, A., Rivero Rodriguez, J., Vitry, Y., Sobac, B., & Scheid, B. (2020). Microfluidic droplet generation based on non-embedded co-flow-focusing using 3D printed nozzle. Scientific reports, 10(1), 21616. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-77836-y4.
Lehmann, O., Rauch, J. Y., Vitry, Y., Pinsard, T., Lambert, P., & Gauthier, M. (2020). Miniaturized robotics: The smallest camera operator bot pays tribute to David Bowie. IEEE robotics & automation magazine, 27(3), 10.1109/MRA.2020.2992277, 22-28. doi:10.1109/MRA.2020.29922775.
Gerena, E., Legendre, F., Molawade, A., Vitry, Y., Régnier, S., & Haliyo, S. (2019). Tele-robotic platform for dexterous optical single-cell manipulation. Micromachines, 10(10), 677. doi:10.3390/mi101006776.
Fuentes, C., Hatipogullari, M., Van Hoof, S., Vitry, Y., Dehaeck, S., Du Bois, V., Lambert, P., Colinet, P., Seveno, D., & Van Vuure, A. (2019). Contact line stick-slip motion and meniscus evolution on micrometer-size wavy fibres. Journal of colloid and interface science, 540, 544-553. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2019.01.0457.
Dehaeck, S., Cavaiani, M., Chafaï, A., Tourtit, Y., Vitry, Y., & Lambert, P. (2019). Hybrid Two-Scale Fabrication of Sub-Millimetric Capillary Grippers. Micromachines, 10, 224. doi:10.3390/mi100402249.
Brandenbourger, M., Caps, H., Vitry, Y., & Dorbolo, S. (2017). Electrically Charged Droplets in Microgravity: Impact and Trajectories. Microgravity, science and technology, 29(3), 229-239. doi:10.1007/s12217-017-9542-0 Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (1)
Guelpa, V., Prax, J.-S., Vitry, Y., Lehmann, O., Dehaeck, S., Sandoz, P., Clévy, C., Le Fort-Piat, N., Lambert, P., & Laurent, G. J. (2017). 3D-Printed Vision-Based Micro-Force Sensor Dedicated to In Situ SEM Measurements. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics AIM 2017(3-7 July 2017: Munich) Brevets (3)