Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (1)

  1. 1. Lits, B. (2020). Astroturfing. In Astroturfing.
  2.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (4)

  3. 1. Lits, B. (2020). Exploring astroturf lobbying in the EU: The case of responsible energy citizen coalition. European policy analysis. doi:10.1002/epa2.1086
  4. 2. Lits, B. (2020). Detecting astroturf lobbying movements. Communication and the Public. doi:10.1177/2057047320969435
  5. 3. Lits, B. (2019). Astroturf lobbying in the EU: The case of shale gas exploration. Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network, 12(2), 3-18. doi:10.31165/nk.2018.112.521
  6. 4. Lits, M., Lits, G., & Lits, B. (2017). Le journalisme sous l’emprise de la catastrophe. Communication.
  7.   Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (1)

  8. 1. Lits, B. (2016). Sophie Boulay, Usurpation de l’identité citoyenne dans l’espace public. Astroturfing, communication et démocratie‪. Questions de communication, 29(1) , 438 - 440.
  9.   Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (6)

  10. 1. Lits, B. (2017). The necessity of emphasis framing in political communication research: The example of astroturf lobbying. Paper session presented at Revitalizing Concepts in Mass Communication (Bruxelles).
  11. 2. Lits, B. (2016). How to study astroturfing lobbying from a communication perspective?: The case of shale gas in the European Union. Paper session presented at IAMCR 2016 (27 au 31 juillet 2016: Leicester).
  12. 3. Lits, B. (2016). Astroturf lobbying: When interest groups try to capture the voice of civil society. Paper session presented at MeCCSA PGN Conference (6 et 7 juillet 2016: Leicester).
  13. 4. Lits, B. (2015). Astroturfing: when power entities create their own resistance movements. Paper session presented at LSE Media and Communications PhD Symposium (19-06-2015: London).
  14. 5. Lits, B. (2015). Lobbying, deception and political public relations: when grassroots become astroturf. Paper session presented at ICA PhD Workshop: Public Relations Division (21/05/2015: San Juan, Puerto Rico).
  15. 6. Lits, B. (2015). Astroturfing and usurpation of citizen engagement: The case of the Parti Socialiste in Belgium. Paper session presented at Media Engagement (19-03-2015: Lund, Sweden).

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