Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (3)

  1. 1. Vanheuverzwijn, P., & Crespy, A. (2018). Macro-economic coordination and elusive ownership in the European Union. Public Administration. doi:10.1111/padm.12413
  2. 2. Vanheuverzwijn, P. (2017). How the Commission fills in the blanks of the European Semester. Incomplete contracts and supranational discretion in the EU’s post-crisis economic governance. Politique européenne, 55(1), 8-35. doi:10.3917/poeu.055.0008
  3. 3. Crespy, A., & Vanheuverzwijn, P. (2017). What ‘‘Brussels’’ means by structural reforms: empty signifier or constructive ambiguity? Comparative European politics.
  4.   Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (1)

  5. 1. Coman, R., Crespy, A., Ponjaert, F., Schmidt, V., & Vanheuverzwijn, P. (2016). Issue on EU Economic Governance. (CEVIPOL Working Papers / Cahiers du CEVIPOL No 5). Bruxelles: Cevipol.
  6.   Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (3)

  7. 1. Crespy, A., & Vanheuverzwijn, P. (2017). Negotiating constraints. Reform ownership and networks in the EU’s socio-economic governance. Paper session presented at Council for European Studies (12-14 July 2017: Gaslgow).
  8. 2. Crespy, A., & Vanheuverzwijn, P. (2017). What ‘Brussels’ means by structural reforms: empty signifier or constructive ambiguity? Paper session presented at Access Europe conference “Solidarity and European Integration” (14-16 June 2017: Amsterdam).
  9. 3. Vanheuverzwijn, P., & Crespy, A. (2016). Macro-economic coordination and elusive ownership in the European Union. Paper session presented at Transboundary crises and the European Union’s Crisis Management and Problem-Solving Capacities (4 November 2016: London School of Economics and Political Science).