Peer-reviewed journal articles (3)
Fratantonio, D., Virgili, F., Zucchi, A., Lambrechts, K., Latronico, T., Lafere, P., Germonpre, P., & Balestra, C. (2021). Increasing Oxygen Partial Pressures Induce a Distinct Transcriptional Response in Human PBMC: A Pilot Study on the “Normobaric Oxygen Paradox”. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (CD-ROM), 22(1), 458. doi:10.3390/ijms220104582.
Amininejad, L., Charloteaux, B., Theatre, E., Liefferinckx, C., Dmitrieva, J., Hayard, P., Muls, V., Maisin, J. M. G., Schapira, M., Ghislain, J. M., Closset, P., Talib, E. M., Abramowicz, M., Momozawa, Y., Deffontaine, V., Crins, F., Mni, M., Karim, L., Cambisano, N., Ornemese, S., Zucchi, A., Minsart, C., Devière, J., Hugot, J.-P., De Vos, M., Louis, E., Vermeire, S., Van Gossum, A., Coppieters, W., Twizere, J.-C., Georges, M., & Franchimont, D. (2018). Analysis of Genes Associated With Monogenic Primary Immunodeficiency Identifies Rare Variants in XIAP in Patients With Crohn's Disease. Gastroenterology, 154(8), 2165-2177. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2018.02.0283.
Zhang, J., Vandevenne, P., Hamdi, H., Van Puyvelde, M., Zucchi, A., Bettonville, M., Weatherly, K., & Braun, M. Y. (2015). Micro-RNA-155-mediated control of heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) is required for restoring adaptively tolerant CD4+ T-cell function in rodents. European Journal of Immunology, 45(3), 829-842. doi:10.1002/eji.201445066