Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (2)

  1. 1. Brack, N., & Gurkan, S. (2020). European Integration Theories and the EU's Crises. Routledge.
  2. 2. Brack, N., & Gurkan, S. (2021). Theorising the Crises of the European Union.
  3.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (7)

  4. 1. Gurkan, S., & Brack, N. (2019). Introduction. In N. Brack & S. Gurkan (Eds.), European Integration Theories and the EU's Crises. Routledge.
  5. 2. Gurkan, S., & Rietveld, J. (2019). Process-tracing. In J.-F. Morin, C. Olsson, & O. Atikcan (Eds.), Key Concepts in Research Methods. Oxford University Press.
  6. 3. Gurkan, S. (2019). La puissance normative européenne face à la crise de la solidarité’ [The Normative Power Europe in the face of solidarity crisis in Europe]. In R. Coman, L. Fromont, & A. Weyembergh (Eds.), La solidarité européenne: enjeux et perspectives. Larcier.
  7. 4. Brack, N., & Gurkan, S. (2021). Introduction: European integration (theories) in crisis? In Theorising the Crises of the European Union. London: Routledge.
  8. 5. Gurkan, S., & Brack, N. (2021). Understanding and Explaining the European Union in a Crisis Context: Concluding reflections. In N. Brack & S. Gurkan (Eds.), Theorising the Crises of the European Union. London: Routledge.
  9. 6. Gurkan, S., & Tomini, L. (2020). The limits of Europeanization research agenda: Decoding the reverse process in and around the EU. In N. Brack & S. Gurkan (Eds.), The limits of Europeanization research agenda: Decoding the reverse process in and around the EU, European Integration Theories and EU's Crises. Routledge.
  10. 7. Gurkan, S. (2019). The Role of the European Parliament in the Enlargement Process: Insights from Inter-Parliamentary Relations with Turkey. In K. Raube, M. Muftuler-Bac, & J. Wouters (Eds.), The Role of the European Parliament in the Enlargement Process: Insights from Inter-Parliamentary Relations with Turkey (1 ed., pp. 221-235). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  11.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (2)

  12. 1. Gurkan, S., & Coman, R. (2021). The EU–Turkey deal in the 2015 ‘refugee crisis’: when intergovernmentalism cast a shadow on the EU’s normative power. Acta politica. doi:https://doi.org/10.1057/s41269-020-00184-2
  13. 2. Gurkan, S. (2018). The role of the European Parliament in Turkey-EU relations: A troublemaker or a useful normative actor? Journal of Southeast European & Black Sea studies, 18(1), 107-125. doi:10.1080/14683857.2018.1431515
  14.   Articles dans des revues sans comité de lecture (2)

  15. 1. Gurkan, S. (2017). Testing Times for Turkey. Defence Management Review,(2), 148-150.

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