Ouvrages publiés en collaboration (7)
Fisher, A., BELL, S., Capresi, V., Maia, H., Pallini, C., et al. (2020). Modernist Reinventions of the Rural Landscape. Routledge.4.
Fisher, A., Pallini, C., Maia, H., Capresi, V., BELL, S., & Moretto, L. (2018). MODSCAPES - Modernist Reinventions of the Rural Landscape: Second Interim Scientific Report.5.
Fisher, A., Pallini, C., Maia, H., Capresi, V., BELL, S., & Moretto, L. (2017). MODSCAPES - Modernist Reinventions of the Rural Landscape: First Interim Scientific Report.7.
Bodart, C., D'Andrimont, C., De Fijter, A., Fontaine, P., Harou, R., De Muynck, S., Fisher, A., et al. (2013). La densification des tissus urbanisés en Wallonie. Opportunités pour leur qualification. Namur: CPDT/SPW-DGO4. Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (9)
BELL, S., Fisher, A., Pallini, C., Maia, H., & Capresi, V. (2019). Modernism, Modernisation and the Rural Landscape: Proceedings of the MODSCAPES_conference2018 & Baltic Landscape Forum. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences. doi:10.1051/shsconf/201963000015.
Fisher, A., Pinet, J.-F., Dobre, C., Faldi, G., & Tenzon, M. (2018). Through Local Eyes. Place-Based Approaches to Emerging Architectural, Urban Design and Planning Challenges in Africa and the Global South: Abstract book and Programme.