Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (5)
Brunfaut, V., Moretto, L., D'Auria, V., de Meulder, B., & Shannon, K. (2010). The Production, Use and Dissemination of Urban Knowlegde in Cities of the South. KUL: N-Aerus. Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (12)
Gosselain, O., Smolderen, L., Brunfaut, V., Pinet, J.-F., & Livingstone Smith, A. (2018). 8 Ethnographic Methods. In A. Haour (Ed.), Two Thousand Years in Dendi, Northern Benin: Archaeology, History and Memory (1 ed., p. 802). Boston, USA: Brill.(Journal of African Archaeology Monograph Series, 13).5.
Gosselain, O., Smolderen, L., Brunfaut, V., Pinet, J.-F., & Livingstone Smith, A. (2018). Ethnographic Methods. In A. Haour (Ed.), Two thousand years in Dendi, Northern Benin: Archaeology, History and Memory. Leiden: Brill.