Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (1)

  1. 1. Spruyt, D., Gillet, C., & Rasschaert, J. (2018). Bone and bone marrow; interactions. In Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases (pp. 31-39). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.66157-3
  2.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (7)

  3. 1. La, C., Lê, P. Q., Ferster, A., Spruyt, D., Goffin, L., Lauwerys, B. B., Durez, P., Boulanger, C., Sokolova, T., Rasschaert, J., & Badot, V. (2021). Serum calprotectin (S100A8/A9): A promising biomarker in diagnosis and follow-up in different subgroups of juvenile idiopathic arthritis. RMD Open, 7(2), 001646. doi:10.1136/rmdopen-2021-001646
  4. 2. Sidiras, P., Spruyt, D., Gangji, V., Imbault, V., Sokolova, T., Durez, P., Communi, D., Rasschaert, J., & Badot, V. (2020). Antibodies against carbamylated proteins: prevalence and associated disease characteristics in Belgian patients with rheumatoid arthritis or other rheumatic diseases. Scandinavian journal of rheumatology, 1-6. doi:10.1080/03009742.2020.1798500
  5. 3. Dalla Valle, A., Vertongen, P., Spruyt, D., Lechanteur, J., Suain, V., Gaspard, N., Brion, J. P., Gangji, V., & Rasschaert, J. (2019). Induction of Stearoyl-CoA 9-Desaturase 1 Protects Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Against Palmitic Acid-Induced Lipotoxicity and Inflammation. Frontiers in endocrinology, 10, 726. doi:10.3389/fendo.2019.00726
  6. 4. Gillet, C., Dalla Valle, A., Gaspard, N., Spruyt, D., Vertongen, P., Lechanteur, J., Rigutto, S., Dragan, E.-R., Heuschling, A., Gangji, V., & Rasschaert, J. (2017). Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head: Lipotoxicity Exacerbation in MSC and Modifications of the Bone Marrow Fluid. Endocrinology, 158(3), 490-502. doi:10.1210/en.2016-1687
  7. 5. La, C., Stordeur, P., Smet, J., Franchimont, D., Lauwerys, B. B., Lê, P. Q., Goffin, L., Boulanger, C., Ferster, A., Brasseur, J. P., Brasseur, B., Tuerlinckx, D., Spruyt, D., Rasschaert, J., De Maertelaer, V., Kleimberg, S., Sokolova, T., Durez, P., & Badot, V. (2016). Place du dosage de la calprotectine sérique comme biomarqueur d'intérêt dans l'arthrite juvénile idiopathique. Revue du rhumatisme, 83, A60-A61. doi:10.1016/S1169-8330(16)30246-0
  8. 6. Gillet, C., Spruyt, D., Berlier, J., Rigutto, S., Dalla Valle, A., Louis, C., Debier, C., Gaspard, N., Malaisse, W., Gangji, V., & Rasschaert, J. (2015). Oleate abrogates palmitate-induced lipotoxicity and pro-inflammatory response in human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and osteoblastic cells. Endocrinology, 156, 4081-4093. doi:10.1210/en.2015-1303
  9. 7. Mathieu, M., Rigutto, S., Ingels, A., Spruyt, D., Stricwant, N., Kharroubi, I., Albarani, V., Jayankura, M., Rasschaert, J., Bastianelli, E., & Gangji, V. (2013). Decreased pool of mesenchymal stem cells is associated with altered chemokines serum levels in atrophic nonunion fractures. Bone, 53(2), 391-398. doi:10.1016/j.bone.2013.01.005
  10.   Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (4)

  11. 1. Gillet, C., Berlier, J., Spruyt, D., Rigutto, S., Dalla Valle, A., Gaspard, N., Gangji, V., & Rasschaert, J. (2013). Role of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids on function and survival of human mesenchymal stem cells and differentiated osteoblasts. Paper session presented at ECCEO2013-IOF Congress (17-21 april 2013: Roma, Italy).
  12. 2. Ingels, A., Rigutto, S., Spruyt, D., Gangji, V., Mathieu, M., et al. (2012). Identification of New Markers of Atrophic Non-union Fractures (NU). Poster présenté à la conférence Association Research Circulation Osseous (ARCO) (Bruxelles, Belgium).
  13. 3. Spruyt, D., Rigutto, S., Ingels, A., Gangji, V., & Mathieu, M. (2012). Mesenchymal Stem Cells Function And Osteogenic Growth Factors In Osteonecrosis Of The Femoral Head. Poster présenté à la conférence Association Research Circulation Osseous (Bruxelles, Belgium).
  14. 4. Ingels, A., Rigutto, S., Spruyt, D., Albarani, V., Bastianelli, E., Gangji, V., & Mathieu, M. (2010). Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in mesenchymal and osteogenic stem cell recruitment during fracture healing in atrophic non-union. Paper session presented at Belgian Congress of Rheumathology. (14th: Grand Duchy of Luxembourg-Kirshberg.).

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