Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (9)
Lebacq, T., Holmberg, E., Pedroni, C., Dujeu, M., & Castetbon, K. (2022). Weekday sleep duration and morning tiredness are independent covariates of breakfast skipping in adolescents. European journal of clinical nutrition, 76, 1403-1408. doi:10.1038/s41430-022-01117-22.
Dujeu, M., Castetbon, K., Rouche, M., Lebacq, T., Pedroni, C., & Godin, I. (2021). Eight-year changes in adolescent self-rated health and life satisfaction in relation to living arrangement. Journal of divorce & remarriage, 63, 167-183. doi:10.1080/10502556.2021.19930233.
Pedroni, C., Dujeu, M., Lebacq, T., Desnouck, V., Holmberg, E., & Castetbon, K. (2021). Alcohol consumption in early adolescence: Associations with sociodemographic and psychosocial factors according to gender. PloS one, 16(1), e0245597. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.02455974.
Lebacq, T., Desnouck, V., Dujeu, M., Holmberg, E., Pedroni, C., & Castetbon, K. (2020). Determinants of energy drink consumption in adolescents: identification of sex-specific patterns. Public health, 185, 182-188. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2020.05.0405.
Lebacq, T., Dujeu, M., Meroc, E., Moreau, N., Pedroni, C., Godin, I., & Castetbon, K. (2019). Perceived social support from teachers and classmates does not moderate the inverse association between body mass index and health-related quality of life in adolescents. Quality of life research, 28(4), 895-905. doi:10.1007/s11136-018-2079-x6.
Meroc, E., Moreau, N., Lebacq, T., Dujeu, M., Pedroni, C., Godin, I., & Castetbon, K. (2019). Immigration and adolescent health: the case of a multicultural population. Public health, 175, 120-128. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2019.07.0018.
Rouche, M., Castetbon, K., Dujeu, M., Meroc, E., Lebacq, T., Pedroni, C., Senterre, C., Godin, I., & Moreau, N. (2019). Feelings about the timing of first sexual intercourse and health-related quality of life among adolescents. BMC public health, 19(1), 408. doi:10.1186/s12889-019-6728-y9.
Pedroni, C., Dujeu, M., Moreau, N., Lebacq, T., Meroc, E., Godin, I., & Castetbon, K. (2019). Environmental correlates of physical activity among children 10 to 13 years old in Wallonia (Belgium). BMC public health, 19(1), 187. doi:10.1186/s12889-019-6509-7 Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (2)
Lebacq, T., Rouche, M., Bellanger, A., Holmberg, E., Eggen, M., Dujeu, M., Desnouck, V., Chatelan, A., & Castetbon, K. (2020). Daily consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages among adolescents: The role of contextual school factors. Virtual 12th Conference 3-5 december: Book of Abstracts. Vol. 7 (p. 31) Excellence in pediatrics(12th: 03122020-05122020: Online). Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (25)
Dujeu, M., Eggen, M., Holmberg, E., Bellanger, A., Rouche, M., Lebacq, T., & Castetbon, K. (2021). Conditions de vie et relations familiales des adolescents. Comportements, santé et bienêtre des élèves en 2018 – Enquête HBSC en Belgique francophone: Service d’Information, Promotion, Éducation Santé.