Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (11)

  1. 1. Cnudde, A., Bourez, A., El Khattabi, C., Van Antwerpen, P., & Souard, F. (2024). No reliable clinical results without a proper description of medicinal herbs: Proper clinical results for medicinal herbs. Archives of pharmacy & pharmacology research.
  2. 2. Menchi, E., El Khattabi, C., Pochet, S., Denis, O., Amighi, K., & Wauthoz, N. (2022). Optimization of Long-Acting Bronchodilator Dose Ratios Using Isolated Guinea Pig Tracheal Rings for Synergistic Combination Therapy in Asthma and COPD. Pharmaceuticals, 15(8). doi: ph15080963
  3. 3. Rojo Poveda, O., Barbosa-Pereira, L., El Khattabi, C., Youl, E. N. H., Bertolino, M. M., Delporte, C., Pochet, S., & Stévigny, C. (2020). Polyphenolic and Methylxanthine Bioaccessibility of Cocoa Bean Shell Functional Biscuits: Metabolomics Approach and Intestinal Permeability through Caco-2 Cell Models. Antioxidants, 9(11), 1164, 21. doi:10.3390/antiox9111164
  4. 4. Youl, E. N. H., Husson, C., El Khattabi, C., El Mere, S., Declèves, A.-E., Pochet, S., Nortier, J., & Antoine, M.-H. (2020). Characterization of cytotoxic effects of aristolochic acids on the vascular endothelium. Toxicology in vitro, 65, 104811. doi:10.1016/j.tiv.2020.104811
  5. 5. Chaumont, M., Bernard, A., Pochet, S., Melot, C., El Khattabi, C., Reye, F., Zouaoui Boudjeltia, K., Van Antwerpen, P., Delporte, C., & Van De Borne, P. (2018). High Wattage E-cigarettes Induce Tissue Hypoxia and Lower Airway Injury: A Randomized Trial. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. doi:10.1164/rccm.201711-2198LE
  6. 6. Labranche, N., Youl, E., El Khattabi, C., Dewachter, L., Wauthoz, N., Delporte, C., Berkenboom, G., & Pochet, S. (2016). Rosuvastatin and vascular oxidative stress induced by diesel exhaust particles. Acta cardiologica, 71(5), 565 - 572. doi:10.2143/AC.71.5.3167500
  7. 7. Labranche, N., El Khattabi, C., Berkenboom, G., & Pochet, S. (2016). Effects of diesel exhaust particles on macrophage polarization. Human & experimental toxicology. doi:10.1177/0960327116651123
  8. 8. Liesse Iyamba, J.-M., Seil, M., Nagant, C., Dulanto Magallanes, S. A., Takaisi, K., Dehaye, J.-P., Deplano, A., & El Khattabi, C. (2014). Inhibition by EGTA of the formation of a biofilm by clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of basic microbiology, 54(7), 700-710. doi:10.1002/jobm.201200511
  9. 9. Nsuadi Manga, F., El Khattabi, C., Fontaine, J., Berkenboom, G., Duez, P., Noyon, C., Van Antwerpen, P., Lami Nzunzu, J., & Pochet, S. (2013). Vasorelaxant and antihypertensive effects of methanolic extracts from Hymenocardia acida Tul. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 146(2), 623-631. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2013.02.002
  10. 10. Labranche, N., El Khattabi, C., Dewachter, L., Dreyfuss, C., Fontaine, J., Van De Borne, P., Berkenboom, G., & Pochet, S. (2012). Vascular oxidative stress induced by diesel exhaust microparticles: synergism with hypertension. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, 60, 530-537. doi:10.1097/FJC.0b013e318270f1a8
  11. 11. Nsuadi Manga, F., El Khattabi, C., Fontaine, J., Berkenboom, G., Duez, P., Lami Nzunzu, J., & Pochet, S. (2012). Vascular effects and antioxidant activity of two Combretum species from Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 142, 194-200.
  12.   Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (2)

  13. 1. Menchi, E., El Khattabi, C., Denis, O., Pochet, S., Amighi, K., & Wauthoz, N. (2022). Determination of an appropriate dose ratio of a synergistic combination of long-acting bronchodilators for the maintenance treatment of asthma and COPD. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, Vol. 35(35), A1-A20 , 1-20. doi:10.1089/jamp.2022.ab01.abstracts

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