Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (6)

  1. 1. Roshchupkina, L., Urbain, C., & Peigneux, P. (2024). Sleep and the Brain. In C. Espie, P. Zee, & C. Morin (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Sleep and Sleep Disorders. New-York: Oxford University Press.(Oxford library of psychology).
  2. 2. Urbain, C., & Taylor, M. J. (2019). Youths with autism and working memory. In The Neuroscience of Development. London, UK: V. Preedy (Ed.).(Academic Press).
  3. 3. Taylor, M. J., Urbain, C., & Pang, E. E. (2019). Application of MEG in Understanding the Development of Executive and Social Cognitive Functions. In S. Supek & C. J. Aine (Eds.), Magnetoencephalography: From Signals to Dynamic Cortical Networks (2 ed., pp. 770-798). Switzerland: Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-00087-5
  4. 4. Gabriel, A. G. A., & Urbain, C. (2012). Les dysphasies: Pré-requis non linguistiques à l’acquisition du langage : détection de régularités. In C. Maillart & M.-A. Schelstraete (Eds.), Les dysphasies: Pré-requis non linguistiques à l’acquisition du langage : détection de régularités. France: Elsevier Masson.
  5. 5. Peigneux, P., Urbain, C., & Schmitz, R. (2012). Sleep and the Brain. In C. Espie & C. Morin (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Sleep and Sleep Disorders. New-York: Oxford University Press.(Oxford library of psychology). doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195376203.013.0002
  6. 6. Peigneux, P., Schmitz, R., & Urbain, C. (2010). Sleep and Forgetting. In S. Della Sala (Ed.), Current Issues in Memory: Forgetting (p. 352). London: Psychology Press and Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203851647
  7.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (42)

  8. 1. Roshchupkina, L., Wens, V., Coquelet, N., Urbain, C., De Tiege, X., & Peigneux, P. (2024). Motor learning- and consolidation-related resting state fast and slow brain dynamics across wake and sleep. Scientific reports, 14(1), 7531. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-58123-6
  9. 2. Coolen, T., Dumitrescu, A. M., Wens, V., Bourguignon, M., Rovai, A., Sadeghi-Meibodi, N., Urbain, C., Goldman, S., & De Tiege, X. (2024). Spectrotemporal cortical dynamics and semantic control during sentence completion. Clinical neurophysiology, 163, 90-101. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2024.04.012
  10. 3. Fernandez Martin, R., Feys, O., Juvené, E., Aeby, A., Urbain, C., De Tiege, X., & Wens, V. (2024). Towards the automated detection of interictal epileptiform discharges with magnetoencephalography. Journal of neuroscience methods, 403, 110052. doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2023.110052
  11. 4. Dontaine, P., Rouge, C., Urbain, C., Galer, S., Raffoul, R., Nonclercq, A., Van Dyck, D., Baijot, S., & Aeby, A. (2023). How the Spreading and Intensity of Interictal Epileptic Activity Are Associated with Visuo-Spatial Skills in Children with Self-Limited Focal Epilepsy with Centro-Temporal Spikes. Brain sciences, 13(11). doi:10.3390/brainsci13111566
  12. 5. Van Dyck, D., Deconinck, N., Aeby, A., Baijot, S., Coquelet, N., De Tiege, X., & Urbain, C. (2022). Atypical procedural learning skills in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section C, Child neuropsychology, 1-23. doi:10.1080/09297049.2022.2152433
  13. 6. Juvené, E., Thomas, N., Aeby, A., & Urbain, C. (2022). L’hypothèse du déficit procédural : apport pour la compréhension du trouble développemental du langage, sa spécificité et ses comorbidités. Enfance, 1(1), 41-58.

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