Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (5)

  1. 1. Mikaelian, D., Larcy, A., Cockx, A., Wylock, C., & Haut, B. (2015). Dynamics and morphology of single ellipsoidal bubbles in liquids. Experimental thermal and fluid science, 64, 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2015.01.013
  2. 2. Mikaelian, D., Haut, B., & Scheid, B. (2015). Bubbly flow and gas-liquid mass transfer in square and circular microchannels for stress-free and rigid interfaces. CFD analysis. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 19, 523-545. doi:10.1007/s10404-015-1578-0
  3. 3. Mikaelian, D., Haut, B., & Scheid, B. (2015). Bubbly flow and gas-liquid mass transfer in square and circular microchannels for stress-free and rigid interfaces. Dissolution model. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 19, 899-911. doi:10.1007/s10404-015-1619-8
  4. 4. Mikaelian, D., Haut, B., & Colinet, P. (2014). Lubrication-type analysis of thermo-hydraulic transport in a model grooved heat pipe. Heat and mass transfer, 50(3), 415-425. doi:10.1007/s00231-014-1297-1
  5. 5. Mikaelian, D., Larcy, A., Dehaeck, S., & Haut, B. (2013). A new experimental method to analyze the dynamics and the morphology of bubbles in liquids: Application to single ellipsoidal bubbles. Chemical engineering science, 100, 0009-2509, 529-538.
  6.   Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (1)

  7. 1. Mikaelian, D., Haut, B., & Colinet, P. (2011). Lubrication-type analysis of thermo-hydraulic transport in a model grooved heat pipe. Lubrication-type analysis of thermo-hydraulic transport in a model grooved heat pipe Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena VII (ITP-2011)(7: September 19-23, 2011: Dresden, Germany)
  8.   Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (18)

  9. 1. Mikaelian, D., & Colinet, P. (2011). Contribution to the rigorous 3D thermo-hydraulic modeling of grooved micro heat pipes. Sixth International Conference on TWO-PHASE SYSTEMS FOR GROUND AND SPACE APPLICATIONS, Cava de’ Tirreni Abstract session presented at
  10. 2. Mikaelian, D., Larcy, A., Cockx, A., Wylock, C., & Haut, B. (2015). About the dynamics and morphology of single ellipsoidal bubbles in liquids. Paper session presented at 12th International Conference on Gas-Liquid & Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS12) (June 28 - July 01 2015: New York).
  11. 3. Mikaelian, D., De Cannière, L., Haut, B., & Scheid, B. (2014). Absorption of spherical bubbles in a square microchannel. Paper session presented at 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (7-10 September 2014: UCL, London, UK).
  12. 4. Mikaelian, D., Larcy, A., Dehaeck, S., Dubois, F., Baudine, H., & Haut, B. (2013). Experimental study of the dynamics and the morphology of ellipsoidal bubbles with a helical trajectory. Experimental study of the dynamics and the morphology of ellipsoidal bubbles with a helical trajectory Abstract session presented at GLS(11: 19-23 août 2013: Seoul)
  13. 5. Wylock, C., Dehaeck, S., Mikaelian, D., Larcy, A., Talbot, P., Colinet, P., & Haut, B. (2013). Multiscale analysis of gas absorption in liquids. Paper session presented at Workshop of MP1106 Smart and Green Interfaces 2013 (21-22 /03/2013: Prague (Czech Republic)).
  14. 6. Wylock, C., Dehaeck, S., Mikaelian, D., Larcy, A., Talbot, P., Colinet, P., & Haut, B. (2013). Multiscale analysis of gas absorption in liquids. In Workshop of MP1106 Smart and Green Interfaces 2013: Progam and abstracts Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the ASCR.

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