Books published in collaboration (2)
Works published as editor or in collaboration (2)
Contributions to collective works (35)
Leone, G., Licata, L., Mastropietro, A., Migliorisi, S., & Sessa, I. (2022). Material Traces of a Cumbersome Past: The Case of Italian Colonial History. In F. Comunello, F. Martire, & L. Sabetta (Eds.), Material Traces of a Cumbersome Past: The Case of Italian Colonial History, What People Leave Behind: Marks, Traces, Footprints and their Relevance to Kowledge Society (1 ed., pp. 205-220). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.(Frintiers in Sociology and Social Research, 7).2.
Heine, A., & Licata, L. (2021). Genre et culture. In V. Yzerbyt, I. Roskam, & A. Casini (Eds.), Les psychologies du genre: Regards croisés sur le développement, l'éducation, la santé mentale et la société (pp. 243-264). Bruxelles: Mardaga.(Collection PSY - Individus, groupes, culture).5.
Figueiredo, A., Rocha, C., Ferreiro, T., Guerrero, C., Varela, M., Montagna, P., Garcia, B., Muñoz, L., Schmid, M., Cornejo, M., & Licata, L. (2019). Representations of history and present-day intergroup relations between indigenous and non-indigenous people: the Mapuche in Chile. In S. Mukherjee & P. S. Salter (Eds.), History and Collective Memory from the margins: A global perspective (pp. 79-104). New York: Nova publishers.(Cultural Sturies in the Third Milennium).7.
Paez, D., Bobowik, M., De Guissmé, L., Liu, J. H., & Licata, L. (2016). Mémoire collective et représentations sociales de l’histoire. In G. Lo Monaco, S. Delouvée, & P. Rateau (Eds.), Les représentations sociales : Théories, méthodes, applications (pp. 539-552). Bruxelles: De Boeck.(De Boeck Supérieur).